Money, Money, Money

*sings* Must be funny, in a rich mans wooorld~

YES, I AM a freak: I like ABBA xD

Anywho, ABBA is not the reason for this posting O_o
The reason, I'm excited to say, is I may be getting a job soon! Yaay! I went and did my drug screening today x3 My dad said that most likely means they ARE gonna hire me. Unless, of course, they find drugs in my tinkle xD unlikely.. Seeing as how I don't do drugs--and I haven't drank anything since like...April or May Lawl~

The only downside to having a job, though, is I won't get to spend as much time with my friends 3: Or get to roleplay, and most importantly draw. Not that I draw often, anymore, anyway..*sigh* Not as much as I used to...Maybe tomorrow...I'll wake up at the crack of dawn so I can just start CRANKING OUT the pictures!! W00t!

Well, that's the plan..who knows if it'll happen or not...I've had a lot of really good ideas for pictures lately...but 3: just none of them have worked out yet...or happened ^^" Maybe I'm just too lazy for my own good? lawl

Oh well, as soon as I get a job, I can start buying important things like clothes and more art supplies xD
