I'm honestly really tired of being sick..I've had bronchitis for what..three or four weeks now? I'm almost done with my medicine, and sure I've seen some improvement..but not THAT much..
My throat is still a bit scratchy..and auughh, the freaking awful cough. I guess another bad reason I haven't been improving is because I haven't been sleeping as much as I should..((well, at home anyway..I sleep often at school, ehehe..))
Hopefully, soon, I'll get over it..I feel bad because I gave it(somehow) to one of my friend's moms 3: I'm just a disease spreading cow, aren't I? *le sigh* Oh well..
Augh..and I'm not looking forward to working tomorrow...the people at my job are serious IDIOTS. I haven't worked in TWO WEEKS because they STILL haven't fixed my schedule like they NEED to do because I started school. I want my freaking money, douche-bags! D< At least they can't get angry at me, though...I've told EVERYONE that I could that I can't go in because of school...If they fire me for something that isn't my fault, I swear I'll press charges. I might just look for a different job, anyway...Maybe..If they don't fix it by next week, I'm going job hunting...Who cares if I just started? They need to get their act together because I NEED some money.. -___-
Blah...well...this last bit had nothing to do with bronchitis >>"
*sigh* I miss my girlfriend 3':