I've decided that Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie! I haven't watched it since I was like...8...and tonight (since I couldn't sleep,and my friend is asleep right now Dx) I watched it!! I forgot what a CUUUTE MOVIE IT IS! AUUGHHHH THE BEAST IS SO ADORABLE I JUST WANT TO SQUISH HIM AND CUDDLE HIM!! He's such a dork~~~ Makes me wanna draw some fan art! 8D....Too bad it's 3 in the morning! And all I have are the light of the laptop and the TV(Which is now playing LionKing 2 LOLOL) Maybe I'll just steal her drawing tablet and get on Tegaki for the first time in a billion years and draw somehthing pretty xD loool

Baaah...I don't forseeseep in my future =3= too much Chocolate,creampuffs,and soda in my system to sleep!

Alriiiight... Nothing more to say now...lol~

My friend keeps talking in her sleep Dx" It's freakin me out!! loool!
