week hasn't gone too great..
I'm getting sick, I fucked up a little bit at work, I've been feeling increasingly like an ugly piece of shit failure...However, today actually didn't go too bad at all.
I went to see Watchmen with my friends today..and yes, as STRANGE a movie as it was pretty cool. I really want to read the graphic novel now.
My favorite character, BY FAR, was Dr. Manhatten. Gosh, he's just so tragic...and he makes me die inside. He ALSO walks around stark NAKED for whatever(Might I add he has a very nice glowing penis--you can see it QUITE CLEARLY) I don't know why he can't put on clothing..but hey, I didn't mind.
Anyway, I just love him. I want one. *sigh*
Well, this entry really had no other point than saying all of that...
Oh, and I guess I'll try to draw some more if I feel up to it...I guess I should, but I'd also have to lock myself up for awhile in order to get anything done. That's one of my vices, I guess..I can't draw or anything without complete solitude...
Well..I have many vices and other issues...Oh well.
Just look at that cute little face.