That's right everyone. Yesterday I officially graduated highschool. It was the most surreal feeling... Listening to the speeches and waiting to walk up on the stage to take my diploma..
Oh...and then..I fell down the stairs.
I have a legacy to pass on to my children--I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS AT MY GRADUATION.
LOL, I actually thought it was hilarious, though..I wasn't devastated at all. It happened right after I got my diploma. I was walking down the stairs to head back to my seat..I looked up to see if I could find my parents...Bad mistake when you're wearing heels and the stairs are a little wobbly anyway. So I fell..just on my knees though. So I didn't fall flat on my face or flash anyone lol. And not everyone saw, so it wasn't made into a big deal xD"
But yeah...I just had to laugh it off...No reason to get upset right?
So all I have to do is struggle to get a job..hip-hip hurray..I'm worried about my job at Cicis..I feel like it's pointless to hold onto it..but my parents insist I should until I find another job..ugh...I'm gonna go tomorrow and check my schedule...though I doubt I'm working this week either. Oh well. Gotta bite the bullet..and hopefully good things will come my way!
I need to upload some crap--better get to work on things now..