Hi! I'm Panou!
*UPDATE* This world is currently INACTIVE.
Most of my current creations are posted in my Instagram now HERE!
Please enjoy your stay here! What? Are you a hotel? This is where I ramble and blabber about what I make and create! Whether it's art or using FIRE!! <--- baking. Enjoy your time here!
Usually I'll post references to what I make, but if you don't see it and would like to know how I made a particular item, feel free to comment to me or PM me for information!

Gosh, this took FOREVER to make! @_@ *pulls hair out* xDDD I don't know how many times I had to undo the string and re-thread it...
Idea for this came from this picture here, and so I made my own pattern~ 8D I improvised most of the time, since drawing my pattern in my sketchbook made it confusing, and now that I look at the bracelet after I was done, I see many mistakes. LOL! Hopefully my second attempt will be better~
Used the peyote stitch.

Assembling some scrap jewelry parts a few days ago and made some new ones to wear for the weddings I went to~ ^^b
Took me FOREVER to fix the gold necklace above~ @_@ I had to fix every hooked jump ring~ T^T

I'm very tempted to make things from various mangas. >u<
I've had this idea and the beads since some time ago, but last time was a total failure, so I thought I'd try and fix it again, and WAHLAHHH! So pretty! I totally love this manga by the way~~ One of my ultimate favoritessss! ♥
I think I might rummage through more manga and see what I can make... kekekeke~

Didn't feel like drawing today (it was a cloudy day today xD), so I painted my nails! 8D I'm so impatient! xD I took a evening nap cuz I was tired of waiting for it all to dry~ xDDD
It's too bad that I don't have very good nail polish~ And I didn't even have yellow~ TT^TT
Inspiration courtesy of Never Unpolished and Memorable Days

A little quilt I made for a friend for her baby shower~ She's expecting a girl! I'm so excited for her~ >u< Anywho, I really love how this turned out. I had a very hard time departing from it~ xDDD
Time: about 3 days working about 6-10 hours each day (worked on it last minute too, I'm terrible haha)
Materials used: 1 yard each of Pooh Bear, Pink Roses, and Pink Flannel fabric; cotton/polyester batting, and leftover red fabric that I had.