Nina's Spoilers

You read it right!There are spoilers in THIS second bio of Nina.

So,I mentioned that Nina had feeling powers,right?Yes I did.She can sense spirits,one's feelings,one's nature,items behind opaque things like a pebble behind thirteen walls,and finally one's type of energy.

Now,HERE'S the real spoiler.
Nina had once absorbed too much negative energy when she came along with the gang to Vestroia,creating problems for the gang.This time,Runo decided that she would have to be the one to help her.Shun thought that Nina would be a burden to heavy for Runo alone,so he decided to help as well.The negative energy caused Nina to act differently.But this is the real thing-she had a demon developing within her!(Note:To those who really can't take it,get out of here.Cause this is about to get deeper.)The demon was supposed to be an evil kind,but some positive energy produced by the Brawler's care for Nina (told you it would get deep.)turned it into a positive energy demon.Later,they find out that the demon had been a Bakugan all along,meaning that Nina had become part-Bakugan.Her Bakugan's attribute may have been Pyrus,but Nina's Bakaugan self was a Darkus.And she could turn into a Bakugan only at her will and she was the one who picked to use her in battle.Her Bakugan name is Harpress.However,she has never been seen battling before yet.You have to wait for my upcoming posts!
