Earthquake, Tsunami and Missing Loved Ones in Japan

This has been a very stressful past few days. Phone calls have been flying around family members and friends here in the States as well as those in Japan. As of now so far we have been very lucky and everyone is safe. I feel completely drained but I can't even imagine the level of stress those in Japan right now are feeling.

Most of our friends and family are based in the Chiba and Tokyo area. They are in the area where there is no power. My brother's childhood best friend lives and works in Iwate. When we contacted his parents they were unable to get a hold of him at first but then he called to check in to let them know he was actually in Mexico on a business trip!

Best. Timed. Trip. Ever!

He is unsure if he has anything to come home to. We are pretty sure his apartment is gone. As for work, he hasn't been in contact with anyone yet. So as of last report he is going to stay in Mexico until things get sorted out a bit more.

My aunt's sister avoided the tsunami by making her way to the roof of the 12 story condo complex she lives in. They showed the rescue on NHK of residents getting airlifted off the roof. My aunt and uncle were watching it on tv. It's just so surreal.

My mom is making more phone calls tonight to try to get in contact with a few more friends we have not heard from yet. Hopefully the good new will continue and everyone is fine.

Please continue to send your thoughts and prayers to all those in Japan. This is going to be a very long recovery.
