So, you come here often?

First, I want to begin by saying sorry for the epic fail in updating my site. Things have been really crazy in my life and I think the only ones who have been able to kind of keep up on it is Beth, James and Adam. Only because I complain to them when we have our staff meetings. So, in other words, count yourselves lucky I haven't been boring you with stories of sitting in an infusion chair for hours listening to chemo patients getting sick. ugh.

Anyway, here is what is going on in a nutshell. Health wise it has been a roller coaster of feeling great to feeling like death. Add to that too many doctor appointments and that is really the biggest chunk of my time. No worries though, you all know I keep on keeping on. I am still working as Practice Manager at a vet clinic. My boss there totally rocks and I couldn't ask for a cooler boss then Dr. Maier. He is ok with me working when I can and if I feel bad it's no big thing to skip work. He is a saint!

My dear sweet shepherd mix Heston past away from cancer. When we took him into surgery we were hoping for one of those big nasty tumors that you take out and it's gone forever. His spleen was covered in tumors so we removed that. Unfortunately the cancer had spread. My boss gave him a couple more months. As long as he was comfortable we were going to give him the best. He had canned food and plenty of treats until his last day. When it came time we gave him his own chocolate bar since I believe every dog should have chocolate once in their lives. My heart still aches for him and I miss him every day. John and I planted a memorial rose bush in the backyard for him. In the end, we gave Heston a full life filled with love and happiness.

On a much happier note we adopted a cute Corgi whom I have made a shrine named Ein's Real Folk Blues. Be sure to check it out when you get a chance. I'll be posting pictures of him over there. ^_^

I guess that is about it. I have a pile of anime to review so hopefully I will have a new review summary up in a few days. Phew! Hope this huge chunk of text didn't totally put you guys to sleep. Now that I have updated you on the past year all my future updates will be much easier. *crosses fingers*
