Evil Computers, School starting soon, and...

Hello my friends! I am sorry i have not posted in forever! My computer was being evil and would not let me onto the otaku.

Kanda: and you have been working on another site too.

and other things! Anyways, school is going to start up soon for me and Counciler Kyarri chan has already been counceling many people with their problems, (you know, I am going to commit suicide, go emo, my boyfriend dumped me, that sort of stuff)

envy: you should make a business out of it.

yeah but why? i do this all the time for my friends when they need it. Anyways, the kid i had to take care of when i was in 9th grade returned for a weekend, so i locked myself in my room that whole time.

neji: her friends were worried that she wouldn't get food and had offered to take her in as well.

heehee! kyarri chan is very muched loved, but i was ok really with or without food. went without it for thirty hours and probably could go longer. Anyways, i had final fantasy 7 to watch and my cell phone so i was ok.

horohoro: hey kyarri chan! baby envy has grown!

Really?!?! Sweet! lol!

envy: horo i am going to kill you!

^^; that's pretty much it. School starts for me on monday, and i have to sing on sunday as well. fun fun! ja-ne!
