A Path Untaken [DRAFT]

This post contain language, graphic violence and sexual references in the very beginning. Ye be warned.


"Give me the money, old man!"
"I refuse to be intimidated. You will take my money with your own hands."
"I'm not playing around, you son of a bitch!"
"Don't kid yourself. Would you really shoot me in the face? I've shot hundreds to death. Dirty lying
chankoro trying to shoot me in the back. They got all that they deserved. Have you even been to war, leaving all you know and love behind? Have you ever seen the light leave a man's eyes while you stab him repeatedly? Have you ever taken a innocent child and sliced him until his entrails were ripped out and hung on a sashimono? Have you ever taken a wife of a soldier you butchered and forced her into unspeakable situations? All while following the command of a warmongering general? You're not a killer so stop before you make a stupid mistake. Take my money, that's fine. The shop will always rebound. But take my life and I will haunt you with the memory of a man who simply wants to be left alone.


Kuroshiro bolted from his sleep. It was early and the sun was low in the sky, creeping through into the morning. He looked as he was actually in a bed for once. He normally never got a bed, so it must have been a special occasion or something.

Or he was probably dead drunk last night.

The, ow, pounding in his head confirmed this. He didn't get drunk often but when it did, it felt like an akashita brewed in his head. The memory that haunted him could also have something to do with it. It was his first robbery and his first crime in a string of robberies that would haunt the Hibiya district probably to this very day. It's not often a spirit gets nightmares. The last was about a little girl and how Kuroshiro failed to save her. Who was the little girl in the dream? What was he to learn today about the sins he committed.

He rolled his palms into his eyes to wake up and phased through the sheets on his way out of bed only to find Sebastian hogging a sizable amount of blankets. Oh Lord in Heaven. Did we...drunk...and...what?

It seems he was going to get his answer as Sebastian was waking up. He stretched his arms, his white long sleeved shirt moving upwards with them, and gave the spirit a weird look. Something between tired, weirded out, and high.
