#7-MIKU?! Again?

I just took another quiz on Facebook~!!
A Vocaloid quiz :D
And I got Miku for the 4th time already!!
So Aru-nii-chan, I shall be your Miku >:D
(But green is the enemy ;_;)
So today wasn't my best day...
-I didnt dress out for PE 'cause I wore boots -_-
-Some random lady told me to stop drawing in Math... :(
(But I'm an "A" student...)
-Some kid talked rudeley to me...
and that's about it...
It may not seem bad but NOTHING bad ever happens to me...
I'm quite a semi-lucky person... Maybe its karma?!

Today we also decorated our christmas tree!!
It's pretty, desu~ <3

My Nendoroids and dollies
*runs off*

