#10-A picture for my friend :)

So today was my mom's birthday and I didn't remember until 20 minutes before she's supposed to come hom xD
So I drew a Doraemon drawing which I'll upload sometime later :)
Tomorrow is my friend's birthday so I scanned it and sent it to him.
I spent all day drawing really xD
So now I'm jsut sitting here listening to Gero....
Probably going to watch some Lives~...
Which reminds me, yesterday, I was on the PS3 watching some Lives waiting to spot a singer and I did!
He had his Co number on his nice little picture and everything!
Hoping that one day he could be one of those singers (like Gero).
But there was one thing standing in his way, he couldn't sing D:
I was the only one there so I'd feel bad if I left...
I requested Magnet and applauded (8888) after every song he sang...
Soon, someone else came in so I left ^^"

External Image
The birthday picture ^^
