I kinda sorta disappeared orz

I haven't uploaded anything to theO or to here since... I don't remember...( ̄へ ̄)
I had a bad week so far too D:
I lost my phone on Friday, my stomach hurt really bad on Saturday, I got a fever on Sunday that's still here even now :I
I still went to school though...
I hope I didn't get anyone sick (;_・)
But I got midterms this week so I can't afford to miss school...
But something good did heppen today~
We got a snow day~!! So I got school off :]
There's also a chance of nonstop snow from 3:00 (around now) 'til midnight :3
There was only salt sized hail so far... I forgot what it was called...

I'm working on a picture right now :]
It's my BRS OC, Black Kokoro.
It's in chibi form since I didn't feel like drawing her normally.
But I do need practice on stuff like that "oz

I kinda want to miss school now because we're doing volleyball in PE...
(; = 3= ) We got different teams than from 2 weeks ago and some of my team mates are from the other class...
They never get the ball when I think they would, so the other team gets the point... D:
I tried serving (the ONLY thing I can do xD ) and I failed ; o ;
But this one guy cheers me on 'cause I let him copy my homework xD
Makes me feel better ; w ;
