A Happy New Year... With A Love!!

Mina here!!! With a another lovely post!!!

Tonight, as of midnight, we leave behind an old year and start a new one. And we start out new year. Some of us will try to start new lives, with a blank slate. Some of us will still mourn for the last year losses, like loved ones and friends.
Maybe some of us are starting a year with a new love.
*cough* Guilty!

I guess this year was a rough one, with obstacles and issues, but this year starts with a kick off in the Romantic start. Some one who will care for me. And I hope it doesn't turn sad like my old one did...
But I also still harbor a pain inside me from 3 years ago. May 26, 2009. The day my dearest friend committed suicide. One a could have easily prevented. The pain can numb, but not completely disappear.

This blog is to all the people that will see this post and know that there is still hope and love in the world, doesn't matter how bleak it is!

Happy New Year!!!
