hmmmm.. what to do?

Okay, so I know we don't update this world much, but Aurora and I were just to say this....
Would you all hate us if we told you we each had another account on theO?
I don't think we've done anything wrong... But we've just become so attached to our friends on this account that sometimes we feel bad they dont know who Aurora and Borealis are.... Some of you are friends of both accounts! And sometimes we forget. So do you want to know what our other accounts are?
Please dont kill us for keeping this secret!
lol. actually, aurora said she's surprised no one has noticed. Maybe you could even guess who we are.

Hello! (Aurora here! ^-^)

First of all I have been doing better at being on...
Its just been busy! >.<

ummmm I don't really know what to talk about... most of you know Borealis pretty well, but me? not so much... So maybe some info about me?... I dunno...

Well as you know Borealis does the art work. Iam more of a wallpeper maker! ^^ Tho' I did do my part with the pushie!!!

Easy ways to tell who's writing (Bor or me): I use caps--Bor doesn't. I also use more faces, like ^(..)^ or =^-^= or d>.<b...

Both me and Bor are big time SciFi fans!!! Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars... (Whats with the stars!? o.O)

OH! I like different manga/anime then Borealis! (almost forgot, lol ^^;;) She typically does Tsubasa art and wallies, I do a mix.(I also love Tsubasa tho') My favs are: Trinity Blood, Zetman, Otomen, Immortal Rain, Vampire HUnter D, Fruits BAsket and well the list goes on and on... so I'll stop with my top picks. (wierd mix huh? ^^;;)

Any question for me or for Borealis?
Feel free to ask!!!


every other day!

Okay, so I spoke to Aurora and we made a deal. I will be on tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays, and she will be on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. lol. Now I just have to remind Aurora to show up. Although she does have a point. She came online a few times and tried to comment, but I already had! So hopefully you will see more comments from her everybody!


Aurora and I made this world to post the avatar for the "Bubbly Contest"

Theme:"Happy New Year!"