Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
SO, I was playing around today, trying to make a wallpaper. I use It's saving as a pdn instead of the JPG format that is required. Does anyone have any idea how I can fix that? It would be a great help!
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with this world very much, but I'm not really sure how many people actually read this anyway.
I have given in and watched True Blood. I'm nearly done with the first season. It's kind of stupid, but I'm forcing myself to finish the season. A lot of my friends are all like, it's a good show, you'll like it! I don't see how it's that great, but I want to know what happens. There is a lot of sex scenes, which kind of disturbs me a little bit >.>'
Smallville and Supernatural are awesome shows that I love a lot! I can't wait till the next episode! ♥ Glee! Glee is awesome, too! I feel bad for Rachel; I think Finn is hott; Sue is super funny; Mr. Shoester (spelling?), I am very disappointed in him. Anyone watch either three of these shows?
Next, I have been tagged, so here I go!
-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.
1. Perfect? Far from
2. Tall?: I'm 5'7". I think I am short, though not as short as some. I always wanted to be 6' tall...
3. In your pajamas?: Jean shorts and a Transiberian Orchestra T-shirt
4. Left handed?: Right... No, I mean I am right handed :)
1. Friend you saw: My roommate, whom I am looking at at the moment
2. Talked to on the phone: uh, I can't remember. I text a lot!
3. Person to text you: John :)
4. Was today better than yesterday? Who knows?
1. Number: 22 or anything with the number 5. I have no idea why
2. Color(s): blue, silver, and black.
3. Fruit: Watermelon
4. Place: My room
1. Are you missing someone right now? My family, who are 3 hours away
2. Are you happy? At the moment :)
3. Are you sad? No reason to be
4. Are you bored? Kinda...
6. Are you nervous? Not today!
8. Are you tired? Not yet!
(I wonder what happened to 5 and 7...)
1. Eating? Nothing. Just got back from lunch
2. Drinking? Nada
3. I'm about to: go on facebook or watch a show
4. Listening to: Real Thing- Boyslikegirls
5. Plans for today? Nothing! Oh, wait... I might be going out tonight with a bunch of friends.
1. Drank bubbles? Ew, who would do that?
2. Lost glasses/contacts? Sure have!
3. Ran away from home? >.> My friend tried to talk me into it... we got five blocks away from school and I had to turn around and go back... I couldn't do it
4. Broken someone's heart? I doubt it
5. Been arrested? No.
1. Miracles? Most definitely
2. Yourself? If I don't who will?
3. Heaven? Very much so
4. Santa Claus? Too bad he wasn't real
4. Love? I believe if someone finds the right person, yes there is love.
5. Do you like someone? Yes, yes I do... too bad I have no idea if he feels the same
6. Do you believe in God? Yes
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Of course! I have nothing to hide...
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Got dressed
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Nope!
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: uh.... Alice in Wonderland, I think...
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: The cafeteria for lunch
Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: Oh ya
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: Not usually
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Of course!
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: On a bed
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: I don't cry... I hate crying... It's a horrible thing
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: I was replaying the days events in my mind
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 8... always room for improvement
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: My roommate talking in Russian
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: My knees, like every other day, and my back, like normal
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: May or September
Q: What did you do last night?
A: Hung out with my friends
Well, that's all I got... Oh, I have to tag someone... Well, I tag everyone that reads this!
So, I just finished watching the Inuyasha episodes. They did a really great job with it, I must say. The ending was so cute and it stuck pretty close to the manga, so I'm impressed even further! I wish it would have shown a little more with the life of Inuyasha and Kagome, but I'll take what I can get, I guess. What did you all think of it?
Has anyone read the manga, Elfen Lied? It is really weird! And totally gory, which is fine by me. But, it's so strange. Like, everyone dies, which is fine with me. I love a good horror story! Just wondering what everyone else's opinions on it are.
nothing else real exciting is happening at the moment. Just kinda chilaxin and waiting for Easter break to get here so I can go home and see my family. Anyone doing anything special for easter?
*Warning* This post will contain a lot of Fullmetal Alchemist spoilers. Skip down to the very bottom question
I just finished reading the fullmetal alchemist manga. I have to say it is my favorite manga as of yet. I love it! It also makes me feel extremely disappointed that the anime didn't follow it more closely, and the Brotherhood season just isn't up to par with the original.
I cannot believe Mustang lost his vision! What the heck! I'm hoping that because he was forced into it, there will be a way for him to regain his sight, like Ed and Al want to regain their bodies.
And when Riza's neck was slashed, I thought she was dead. I was really worried there for a moment. It was such a cute RoyXRiza moment! So cute!
So, now they have to face God, and I'm super pumped for the next chapter to come out, and it hasn't been updated in more than a month. I can't stand waiting!!! It sucks a lot!
Who is your favorite fullmetal alchemist characters? Mine are as follows
1. Mustang
2. Ed
3. Riza
4. Hughes
5. Lin/Greed
Also, if you have any suggestions on a completed manga for me to read, I would greatly appreciate it!
So, I can't upload any of my fan art on this site because my file size is too big or something. I have given up trying to bring them up on this site, but I can upload them on Devient art! So, if you want to see my work, you can click here -> Go
I sure wish I could post my pics here, but i can't, so I'd love it if you would all stop by and check them out. Also, my fanfictions are more up to date on I have so many more stories up and a lot finished. So, if you want to check out any of them. I tend to update on that site a lot faster than I do on this one, so if you want to stay updated on one of my stories, I suggest going to my site. (All the links are up above in the introduction)
What else is there to talk about? Oh, my role play world could use a few more people if anyone is interested! I'd really appreciate it!
That's it for now! Talk to you all later.