Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



Pokemon RP!

Hey, all!

So, my friend DemonsandAngels has just put up a new world about pokemon. You should definitely join. I would, but I am a part of too many at the moment, though I am helping her get her characters down (I'm even going to draw her OC).

Please, please, please go check it out. I think it'll be a lot of fun! Here is the link -> Go here!

I really appreciate it all! And if you know of anyone who loves pokemon and might be interested, let them know too!

Thanks again!

Want to Know Things About me? Then read.

Q: Kissed someone on your friends list in Facebook ?
Two actually, and most likely soon to be 3.

Q: Been arrested?
No, though I have been pulled over and had to sit in the cop car.

Q: Do you like someone?
Yes I do.

Q: Held a snake?
You couldn't pay me enough!

Q: Been suspended from school ?
Nope. I was a good kid.

Q: Sang karaoke ?
Not seriously.

Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do ?
Yes. Haven't we all.

Q: Laughed until you started crying ?

Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue ?

Q: Kissed in the rain ?
Nope. Though, I have in a parking lot of a convenience store.

Q: Sang in the shower ?
Oh yes, though I stopped after I found out everyone can hear me.

Q: Sat on a roof top ?
Yes, though not mine.

Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ?

Q: Broken a bone ?
Not that I know of, but it is very likely I broke a toe, my ankle, and foot.

Q: Shaved your head ?

Q: Played a prank on someone ?
Yes, but who hasn't?

Q: Shot a gun ?
A BB gun... I want to shoot a real one!

Q: Donated Blood ?
My fear of needles doesn't let me. I will one day conquer it so that I may give blood!

I'm 48% Jock!

[x] you own at least 5 black shirts
[] you like skinny jeans
[x] you're listening to music right now
[]you have painted your fingernails black before
[x] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/mp3
[ ] Have attempted suicide
[x] Like the color black
[X] hate girly girls
[] have kissed the same sex before
[x} Like to be alone
[ ] hate popular music
[x] keep hair in front of your face (Not to the point where I can't see)
[] give people evil stares
[ ] Hate your parents or one of them
[ ] Life sucks for you right now
[] have been called emo
[x] Dislike the colors pink, green, teal and baby blue
[ ] own thick-rimmed glasses
[x] Complain a lot
[] own a studded belt
Total: 9

[ ] own more than 10 minishorts
[ ] own more than 10 miniskirts
[ ] have kissed more than 7 people
[ ] have been called a slut
[ ] drink a lot
[ ] You wear dark eye makeup
[x] wear low cut shirts (I have big boobs, so they appear more low cut than they should DX
[ ] have been called a tease
[ ] Flirt with everyone
[x] love the opposite sex (I do like guys)
[x] Go to parties/sleepovers at least once a week
[x] wear tight clothing (some of my shirts are tight fitting
[ ] own 5 tube tops
[ ] you've kissed more than 2 guys/girls
[ ] Like wearing swimsuits
[x] Sit on the opposite sex's lap (I did on my boyfriends lap)
[ ] People hate you
[ ] Its nice to be naughty
[ ] you cuss because you think its fun
Total: 5

[X]own at least 5 jerseys
[X] Have 10 or more trophies (and medals)
[X] Where hair up almost every day (a do a lot, though not every day)
[X] Own 5 or more sweatpants
[X] Dont wear makeup
[ ] Have / had played lacrosse
[X] Play/played more than 2 sports
[X] Play sports (I currently cannot play sports, though I did play tennis a few days ago.)
[X] Can play a sport if you've never played it before (I catch on quickly!)
[X] On first string (I used to, I don't now since I can't play)
[X] You play/played Tennis
[X] You play/played Basketball (My favoritest sport ever!!!!)
[X] You play/played baseball-softball
[X] You play/played soccer
[ ] You run/ran track
[ ] You play/played football
[X] Been called a jock
[ ] Have set a record (Sadly, no. I tore the ACL twice during high school so that took me out of half of my sophomore year, and I never got to play my senior year.)
[X] Are friends with your coach
[X] Love watching sports
[]can do 17 push-ups in 20 seconds (I cannot do pushups. lol)

PART FOUR (Doesn't apply to guys):
[ ] Own at least 5 polos
[] Own at least 5 pink shirts (I hate pink)
[] Own at least 5 designer bags
[] Wear ribbons in you hair sometimes
[ ] Love pearls
[ ] Only like popular music
[] Read tons of magazines (ShonenJump/ShoujoBeat FTW xD)
[] Love shopping
[ ] Go shopping usually once a week
[ ] Voted prom queen
[x] Have dated a jock
[ ] Like attention
[X] Always have your cellphone with you
[x] Have more than 50 contacts on your phone
[] More than 30 guy contacts
[ ] Hate emo people
[] Wear make up
[ ] Is stupid
[ ] Wear heels
Total: 3

[ ] Wear your pants above your belly button
[x] Wear glasses/contacts (I’m blind!)
[ ] have/had braces
[x] In/have been in advanced classes
[ ] On Math team
[] Have all A's (not right now, but I used to)
[x] Have been called a nerd
[ ] Is bullied
[x] LOVE to learn
[x] Like your teachers
[] Watch history channel (YESH!!!)
[ ] Never go anywhere on the weekends (I have work ;_;)
[x] Have been called weird
[ ] Scared to talk to the opposite sex
[] Don’t have pictures of yourself on MySpace (I do on facebook though!)
[x] Read a book a month in your leisure time
[X] You read on your last spring break
[] Have your own website
[ ] Wear pocket protectors
[X] Done/does test corrections when you got above a 90 on it
[x] Did/does extra-credit when average is over an 85
[x] Take notes on what the teachers tell you not to worry about.
Total: 11

[X] own baggy/ long clothing (A few, yes)
[ ] like to talk like a thug
[ ] you own gold/ silver chains
[] have a flat brimmed hat
[ ] like to wear a certain color because of a gang
[ ] you are in a gang
[ ] you mostly listen to rap music
[] you own clothes from lines such as ecko, sean john, g unit, 69, south pole, rasta, notorious
[] you have a nice sound system in your car
[ ] you never walk... you strut
[ ] you don’t like haters from rival gangs
[ ] you have a thug nickname
[ ] you hate emo people
[ ] you hate punk kids
[ ] you have made a gang
[ ] you can name more than 20 rappers
[ ] you can dance
[ ] you want to rap when you are older
[ ] you love turntables
[X] hate the punks that are in fake gangs. (I dislike wannabes a lot!)
Total: 2

If you haven't noticed The parts represent the 6 high school stereotypes
Part 1= Emo
Part 2= Slut / man whore
Part 3= Jock
Part 4= Girly (doesn't apply to guys)
Part 5= Nerd
Part 6= Thug
Multiply each number by 3 then repost as_ % Emo,_ % Slut, _ % Jock, _ % Girly, _ % Nerd, _ %Thug
EMO- 27%
SLUT- 15%
JOCK- 48% (I thought I'd be a lot more than that!)
NERD- 33%
THUG- 6%


I have a sort of boyfriend! Ah! I'm so excited! We can't say we are officially dating since we haven't yet gone out on a date! But things are looking good!
The only thing that sucks is that it is long distance. But, it'll be ok.

Thanks! and a Tag!

I want to first say thank you so much to everyone that sent me birthday wishes! It was pretty great! I really appreciate it!

Now, off to the tag!

[] One of your parents is dead
[X] You are expected to do a lot of chores
[x] You love to dress up
[X] You love animals
[x] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
[] Your mom is really strict
[] that's just because she got knocked up
[] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you
[X] You're afraid to speak your mind sometimes
[X] You have left your shoes at a friends house before
[X] You have blond hair

Belle (Beauty And The Beast)
[X] You've kissed someone your friends didn't like (No one liked my first bf except my bff)
[] You've been lost in the forest
[x] You love to read
[] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind
[X] One of your family members is a bit weird
[X] You have done volunteer work
[X] You have a wild imagination
[X] You love to take care of people in need
[X] You've had guys like you only because they think you're pretty (internet people count)
[] You've rejected at least one person when they've asked you out

Jasmine (Aladdin) :
[] Your dad is VERY rich
[] You are very clever
[X] You've been with someone way different from you
[X] You're unique and different from everyone else
[x] You'd never marry someone just because they were rich
[X] You have set a lot of goals for yourself
[] You don't have a lot of (good) friends
[X] You're independent
[] You are wealthy
[]Your parents try to control your life

Ariel (The Little Mermaid) :
[X] Your parents expect a lot from you
[] You really try to follow the rules, but its hard for you
[] You're a bit of a trouble maker
[] You're the youngest in your family
[] You have a lot of sisters
[X] You collect something
[X] You have/had long, hair
[X] You have/had a pet fish
[X] You're extremely curious
[X] You believe everything people tell you/you're a bit gullible
(Dang! She is my favorite disney princess!)

Snow White :
[ ]You know that you're beautiful
[ ] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
[X] You have at least seven good friends
[ ] You've almost been killed
[X] You've had food poisoning
[X] You have/had short hair (had at one point)
[x] You get along with almost everyone
[ ] All of your friends are different
[X] You love to have a good time
[ ] You're happier when you're out of the house than in

Mulan :
[X] You can be a tomboy sometimes. (more like all the time!)
[x] People wish you could be a bit more girly (My friends tease me :D)
[X] You've pretended to be someone youre not (hasn't everyone at one point or another?)
[X] You've had a physical fight with someone (My brothers and I never had normal fights with each other :/)
[X] You have/had considered running away from home (attempted it once when I was in the fourth grade)
[] Your parents try to plan your life out
[X] A lot of your friends are boys (I actually have more guy friends than girls at the moment)
[x] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations (I have a hard time saying no to people)
[x] You love your family so much that you'd do anything to protect them

Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) :
[] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
[] You almost died at a very young age
[X] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful
[] You have a decent singing voice
[] You like to sleep in late on the weekends (sleeping in for me is 9)
[] You spend most of your time outside
[] You're adopted
[] You're very romantic
[]Pink is one of your favorite colors

[x] You love to walk around and explore big cities (cities kind of scare me, but I love walking around)
[] You are more spiritual than religious (not really sure what the difference is)
[X] You've been in an interracial relationship (It was actually part of the reason people didn't like my first bf)
[X] One of your family members is dead (grandparents count? they are family members!)
[x] Someone you know has been in war (many of my friends are in Afghanistan right now)
[x] You love nature
[x] You have/had black hair (I have black in my hair. Does that count?)
[X] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful
[X] You're very adventurous

TinkerBell (Peter Pan) :
[] You get jealous easily (it actually takes a lot to make me jealous.)
[x] You loved your childhood
[x] You like to fly
[x] You believe in magic (magic is the answer to everything!
[] You're 5'2 or under
[] You hate pirates
[] You love sparkles
[] People underestimate you
[X] You get angry easily
[] You have/had a treehouse

Alice (Alice In Wonderland) :
[]You have/had a pet rabbit
[x] You love to play cards
[X] You constantly need to know the time (actually yes. I hate being in a room without a clock)
[] You get in sticky situations
[] You have been to court
[X] You have fallen asleep while doing homework
[] You have had a tea party
[] You love hats
[] You are constantly lost
[] You know how to play croquet

Meg (Hercules) :
[X] You're boyfriend is strong (don't have one, but both of my exs were)
[X] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before
[] You are very convincing
[X] You have fallen in love before
[X] You have had your heartbroken
[X] You love Greek mythology
[X] You lie sometimes
[x] You pretend to be someone you're not
[X] You have been used
[X] Purple is one of your favourite colours.

Looks like I am Meg!
She's pretty awesome!

Tinkerbell??? o.o;