Need Help!

Hey all! Sorry I haven't been updating this as often! But, in my defense, nothing remarkable has really happened to be noteworthy.

Well, I guess one exciting thing happened! I signed up for intramural basketball, and they found me a team this year. The girls are all older than I am, but it is so much fun! I missed playing so much! We won our first game, but I didn't play the best I have ever played. I'm really out of shape. ^^' We were supposed to play on Sunday, but not enough people will be there, so we have to forfeit. I am so upset about this! I want to play, dang it! But, I'll play on Monday night, then.

Other than that, I've started playing Half Life 2. Just started, so I'm not very far into it at all. It's really addictive! I want to keep playing, but I thought I'd take a break to come update a few things.

On another note, I was wondering if anyone has read the story Cascading Hearts, my world. Well, i had originally been writing it with Momo Sparks, but he seems to have quit the O, and I was wondering if anyone else would like to fill his role and be the co-writer of the story. Please let me know! Or let others who you think might be interested know. I want to keep the story alive, but I don't know if I have the time or energy to write it by myself. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

