
1. Are you single or taken?
Single, of course...

2. Chocolate or flowers?
Well, I think both are totally cliche, and I'm not one for sappy anything, but I guess flowers would be nice from a special someone *sighs*

3. Will you do anything special for Valentine's Day?
It's basically over for me, and I didn't do a darned thing except whine and complain about it. I think it is such a pointless holiday

4. Do you like anyone?
Kinda, though he doesn't feel the same back T.T

5. Does someone like you?
I doubt it... a lot! T.T

6. Were you dating anyone last Valentines?
Never have dated anyone on V-day. Always is a depressing day

7. What would your dream Valentines date be?
*shrugs* I don't know... I don't really like the holiday. You can do all the sappy lovey dovey crap every other day of the year, so why is this one so special?

8. Do you make a big deal about Valentines?
If you have been paying attention, you will see that I don't

9. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
If I did, he never said anything.

10. Would you ever write someone a love letter?
Why would I subject myself to that kind of humiliation?

11. Do you believe in Cupid?

12. Do your parents give you presents on Valentines?
My mom gives me chocolate ^^

13. Do you still send out Valentines cards?
Nah. But I got one from my friend today

14. Do you like candy hearts?
No! They taste like chalk

15. Is Valentine's Day depressing?
Yes. Every year I get to see happy couples "in love" and every year I feel left out and a tiny bit envious that i have no one

16. How do you feel about PDA?
It's really embarrassing to see. Kinda awkward. Keep that stuff private

17. How is your love life?
I don't have one. Thanks for reminding me... again

18. Have you ever been dumped on Valentines?
That would require that I have a boyfriend, now wouldn't it?

19. How many roses would you want?
None please

20. Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend next year?
I can always hope, right?

So, ya. Sorry about my negative comments. I just really hate this day. I mean, couples have every day of the year. Why pick out one specific day that reminds all of the single people how lonely they really are? I guess, I'm just bitter when it comes to V-day since I have never had someone to share it with.

On a lighter note, does anyone have an account on Youtube? If you do, you should add me as a friend so I can add you! HEre's my channel: Youtube Account

So laters!
