Want to See my Pictures?

So, I can't upload any of my fan art on this site because my file size is too big or something. I have given up trying to bring them up on this site, but I can upload them on Devient art! So, if you want to see my work, you can click here -> Go

I sure wish I could post my pics here, but i can't, so I'd love it if you would all stop by and check them out. Also, my fanfictions are more up to date on Fanfic.net. I have so many more stories up and a lot finished. So, if you want to check out any of them. I tend to update on that site a lot faster than I do on this one, so if you want to stay updated on one of my stories, I suggest going to my fanfic.net site. (All the links are up above in the introduction)

What else is there to talk about? Oh, my role play world could use a few more people if anyone is interested! I'd really appreciate it!

That's it for now! Talk to you all later.
