Rants and Spoilers

*Warning* This post will contain a lot of Fullmetal Alchemist spoilers. Skip down to the very bottom question

I just finished reading the fullmetal alchemist manga. I have to say it is my favorite manga as of yet. I love it! It also makes me feel extremely disappointed that the anime didn't follow it more closely, and the Brotherhood season just isn't up to par with the original.

I cannot believe Mustang lost his vision! What the heck! I'm hoping that because he was forced into it, there will be a way for him to regain his sight, like Ed and Al want to regain their bodies.

And when Riza's neck was slashed, I thought she was dead. I was really worried there for a moment. It was such a cute RoyXRiza moment! So cute!

So, now they have to face God, and I'm super pumped for the next chapter to come out, and it hasn't been updated in more than a month. I can't stand waiting!!! It sucks a lot!

Who is your favorite fullmetal alchemist characters? Mine are as follows

1. Mustang
2. Ed
3. Riza
4. Hughes
5. Lin/Greed

Also, if you have any suggestions on a completed manga for me to read, I would greatly appreciate it!
