A Little About Me!

1. Are you ready... for the most epic tag ever?
I suppose. Trying to kill time while I download music from an extremely slow internet connection!

2. Let’s get started then!! Paper or plastic?!

3. Now for everybody's favorite question! What's your favorite color?
Black, blue, and silver.

4. Isn't HE just the greatest?!
If you are referring to my boyfriend, I would have to agree! If you are talking about the countless boys I am fangirls of, I would still have to agree! XD

5. Do you believe in true love?
eh... I'll find out I guess

6. Are you good in bed?
*spits out drink; starts choking*

7. Do you like chocolate?
of course!

8. Who was the last person you kissed on theO?
Mustang! ... in my dreams....

9: Who was the last person you texted?
My friend Heather

10. When was the last time you were in 'love'?
Never truly been in love... but I do love Mustang!

11. Do you want any children? If so, who with?
I have ALWAYS wanted my own kids! And their father is going to be the nicest, most caring, most loving guy alive!

12. Have you ever been nude in front of someone of the opposite gender?
My dad when I was a baby... I'm sure I was in front of my little brother too ^^

13. What plans do you have for this weekend?
Work >.<

14. Can you name ALL the pokemon?
... I used to be practically obsessed. I knew everything there was to know about it. I could probably still name them all!

15. Do you sing in the shower?
No... I found out people can hear me...

16. Do you dance in the shower?
No. I'd probably fall

17. Are you gonna have a "party" tonight?
What does "party" mean? What's with the ""?

18. Wanna dance with no pants on?!
I'd rather have pants on... and then still not dance!

19. What are your 5 favorite countries?
Never been to any other than my own, so if I had to go with the ones i want to visit, it would be.... in no particular order
1. Switzerland- My grandma was born there, I'd love to see it.
2. Germany- I'm German; I'd like to see where my ancestors came from
3. Norway- They are the happiest country in the world
4. Japan- My best friend is of asian decent
5. Australia- Just because

20. Would you ever meet up with someone you randomly met on the internet?
Never. nope. Not me

21. Can you count to 10?
On a good day :D

22. What does the word BISHIE mean to you?
no idea. Never use it

23. Who was the last person of opposite gender did you say “I Love You” to?
My dad

24. Who was the last person to Glomp you?
I don't do glomps...

25. Edward or Jacob?

26. Iceberg straight ahead!!!
Move out of the way, idiot!

27. If you could do anything you wanted for one day, what would it be?
Whatever I felt like in the moment

stay away from Mustang! He's mine!

29. Are you feeling alive?!

30. Ever drawn Hentai?

31. What would you do if someone stole your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Won't know till it happens, but no one better do it!

32. Have you ever stabbed someone? O_o
No, my brother did that on his own...

33. Do you like waffles?
Never had ‘em

34. Did you look at the number of this question and think it was 43? or at least hope it was?
Man, this is going slowly!

35. What is your favorite day of the week?
During the summer? Any day
During school? Friday

36. Favorite holiday?
Christmas... or my birthday

37. Do you think HE is hot?
my boyfriend? Yes
My Boyfriend? Yes

38. All I want for Christmas is-

39. What would you do if you and the person you like were trapped under the mistletoe?

40. Are you getting tired of these questions?
A little bit

41. Would you risk your life for someone else?
Yes, of course

42. Would you rip the wings off of a butterfly for a million dollars?
Yes I would. That's a lot of money!

43. Can you do the Carameldance?
... I don't even know what that is...

44. Can you do the Bacchikoi?
again, don't know what it is

45. What do you think is romantic?
... not a whole lot. I find it all cheesy

46. Anime cosplay or Furry cosplay?

47. Are you bored?

48. Would you rather eat needles than do this quiz?
I HATE needles! Keep 'em away from me!

49. Are you irritated by anything right now?
The needles....

50. Animals or people?

51. What do you hear right now?
inuyasha song

52. Hug a tree or hug me?
who is "me"?

53. Do you recycle everyday?

54. Skydiving or Deep Sea Diving?

55. Do you think kittens are cute?

56. If you saw a kitten all alone and lost on the side of the road, what would you do?
bring it home!

57. What is your favorite movie?
Star Trek or Avatar at the moment

58. Movie or Book?

59. If you have a host on here, who is your favorite?
I don't have one, but I'd choose mustang!

60. Would you want to meet a host/fangirl on here in RL?

61. Where would you go if you could go back in time?
no idea

62. Fruits or Vegetables?

63. Would you ever dye your hair?
I do it all the time!

64. What matters more to you? Beauty or Brains.

65. Do you own a panda hat?

66. Who are you in love with?
didn't we talk about this already?

67. Do you think the person you're in love with loves you too?
No idea. Go ask Mustang

68. When was the last time you had a shower?
last night

69. Are you in your pajamas?
Not at all

70. Do you have a tan?
I don't tan... at all. I'm sporting a sunburn.... but that'll just disappear

71. Do you regret anything from your past?
Who doesn’t?

72. Do you collect anything?

73. What do you see yourself doing in a year?
still in college

74. If you had 5 hours to live who/what would you do?
I would want to spend time with my family and friends

75. You're halfway done! How do you feel?
anxious to finish!

76. Where is your best friend?
Probably at her house

77. Do you wear glasses?

78. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?

79. Did you think this question was question 97?

80. Dream Vacation?
Anywhere really, we don't really go on vacations

81. Are you eating anything at the moment?

82. Who would you like to talk to right now?
I don't know

83. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
They aren't that special...

84. Do you miss anyone right now?
All of my college friends!

85. What are you gonna do tonight?
who knows?

86. Are you Hot?
I wish

87. What is your favorite flavor lollipop?
don't really like suckers

88. What are you wearing right now?
shorts and a tank top

89. What time did you go to bed last night?
... after midnight I think

90. What is a question you refuse to answer?
I don't really know

91. Do you have an attitude?

92. What's the last thought in your head that involved someone you like?
I don't remember

93. Do you feel like you deserve something more in life?
I like where I am

94. What turns you on?

95. Do you write poetry?
I suck at it....

96. What is your Deepest, Darkest Secret?
If I told you, I'd have to kill you

97. What would you do if someone found out your deepest, darkest secret?
I'll cross that bridge when I come to it

98. How would you describe yourself so that someone could pick you out?
... uh, I don't know...

99. What is your favorite music genre?
anything but rap, polka, or Mexican music (no offense to anyone who is hispanic, I just don't like the music)

100.If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
Mustang! He's super special awesome

101. Do you wish upon shooting stars?

102.What does love mean to you?
Truly happy

103. Do you believe the fortunes in fortune cookies?
Not at all

104. Who was the first person who broke your heart?
My friend

105. Do you like pool parties?

106. Are you tired of random questions?

107. Do you like singing nursery rhymes?

108. Do you love being the center of attention?
depends on what kind of attention

109. What should you be doing other than this right now?

110. If the end of the world was coming and you could save one person who would it be?
i don't think I could choose

111. Would you be happy if this was the end like the last epic tag?

112. What was the first thing that popped into your mind when you read this question?
are we done yet?

113. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
never have

114. If you were stuck in a room with someone of the opposite gender, would you take advantage of them?
115. What do you think the most romantic place is?
somewhere alone

116. Why are there so many love questions?!?!
Because you are stupid?

117. Do you wish the love questions were finished with?

118. What is the most over rated thing?

119. When is your birthday?
November 22, 1990

120. Would you use a Death Note?

121. What would you do if you found a friend of yours using a Death Note?
... don't know...

122. What appeals to you more? Love or Hate?

123. Do you wish this quiz was never made?

124. What body part do you wash first?
My hair

125. You're almost to the end!

126. Name something you do when you're alone that you wouldn't do in front of others.

127. How many jelly beans do you think are in the jar?

128. Do you want to bring sexy back?

129. What would you do if you were working on this, got to this question, and your computer just shut down on you.
Kill something

130. Name three things that you don't like!
needles, snakes, and bullies

131. Would you ever do the pelvic thrust?

132. Do you ever dream about dirty things?

133. What website do visit the most?

134. Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who?
My friends

135. Would you ever throw a random party for someone?

136. Have you ever been tied up?

137. Do you like school?
don't mind id

138. A GIANT BANANA!! What was the first thing that came to your mind?

139. Do you have annoying friends?

140. Do you give in easily?
not really

141. Do you like to set stuff on fire?
not a pyro

142. What was the last thing you dreamed about?
don't know

143. Do you share your hopes and dreams with people?

144. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?

145. Do you like amusement parks?
never been

146. What color are your bed sheets?

147. What is your love life like?
I have a bf

148. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?
no... I don't think so

149. Are you gonna tag anyone?

150. LAST QUESTION!! Would you be my friend?
... do I have to? ok. fine

I tag YOU, the reader!
