Win's Piece of Mind

Artgrrl tagged me, so here I go!

- Tag at least 6 people.
- Be honest...

01. What's your favorite things about theOtaku?
Roleplaying and looking at all the great comics

02. What's the most detestable things you found in this site?
nothing that I can think of

03. What's your hope when you subscribe to someone?
that they'll at sub me back.

04. If you're given one chance to change a feature in this site, what would that be?
Can't think of anything

05. Do you like meeting new members, and why and why is that?
Yep! I love meeting new people and making friends!

06. What do you like most in some of theO members?
How helpful they are. You should never be afraid to ask a question, everyone helps you the best they can

07. Do you have something you hate in some of the members?

08. Lastly, what do you think of these questions? And do you hope it was never made?
they are ok.

Repost this as:
(your name)'s piece of mind.

So, I am supposed to tag 6 people. Well, I tag you, the reader. If you are reading this, and I know you are, and you haven't already done this, then you are tagged, so go out there and do this!
