Want to Know Things About me? Then read.

Q: Kissed someone on your friends list in Facebook ?
Two actually, and most likely soon to be 3.

Q: Been arrested?
No, though I have been pulled over and had to sit in the cop car.

Q: Do you like someone?
Yes I do.

Q: Held a snake?
You couldn't pay me enough!

Q: Been suspended from school ?
Nope. I was a good kid.

Q: Sang karaoke ?
Not seriously.

Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do ?
Yes. Haven't we all.

Q: Laughed until you started crying ?

Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue ?

Q: Kissed in the rain ?
Nope. Though, I have in a parking lot of a convenience store.

Q: Sang in the shower ?
Oh yes, though I stopped after I found out everyone can hear me.

Q: Sat on a roof top ?
Yes, though not mine.

Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ?

Q: Broken a bone ?
Not that I know of, but it is very likely I broke a toe, my ankle, and foot.

Q: Shaved your head ?

Q: Played a prank on someone ?
Yes, but who hasn't?

Q: Shot a gun ?
A BB gun... I want to shoot a real one!

Q: Donated Blood ?
My fear of needles doesn't let me. I will one day conquer it so that I may give blood!
