Join a RP!

Ok, all! There is this awesome RP by Moonsmedly! It's called Immortality Blossoms. It hasn't started yet, so you should all head on over and check it out! Click here -> Go

Immortality Blossoms is a role-play based partly off the Baccano! series and partly off the book I attempted to write for National Novel writing month, which was about, you guessed it, immortality. This role-play takes place in an alternate universe United States of America. The main difference here, besides from the country keeping a bit of 1920s-30s flair, is that immortals live among regular humans.

For years immortals and humans have lived in peace with each other, mostly because most immortals keep to themselves, but all that is changing. A certain immortal, a boy named Noah Burkett, has been eating other immortals, in the hopes that one of them might have something that can help cure his girlfriend. So far no one has been able to take him down. Even the humans are beginning to think there's something a little strange about all these disappearances.

And that's not all. A group of scientists living in New York think they're on the verge of finding an alternate way to immortal life. It's not long before they'll succeed and publish their findings, and then what will happen? Most likely chaos. The world can't handle too many immortals.

Something must be done. But what? Will the immortals band together and defeat the scientists? Will Noah be stopped? Is the world really doomed if the scientists succeed? Why am I asking you all these questions? All these questions and more will be answered...soon...

If you are going to join, do so soon so we can get this world going! :)
