Okay, so I know I just posted, but I only JUST saw this and I have to post about it!

So a Taiwanese Skip Beat! drama has been in the works for ages now, and a preview trailer was released about a week ago. It's not available on Youtube yet, so I'll just link to it (this vid has subs, albeit shoddy ones ^^;). Most of the preview seems to just show stuff from the first episode.

Two guys from Super Junior, Siwon and Donghae, play Ren and Sho respectively, which seriously made me LOL the first time I heard. A lot of people don't think Siwon has the acting chops to be Ren, since Ren is supposed to be this AMAZING actor. Yeah, I doubt Siwon can portray Ren The Actor very well, but hopefully he can decently portray Ren as a character... As for Sho, I am sorry, but Donghae looks MAD awkward with blond hair, LOL. Not very many Koreans can pull off that look, I'm afraid. :P

And I think Ivy Chen will make an okay Kyoko. (Though I'm gonna miss her angry demon spirits. :3) I'm sort of wondering how they'll handle language issues. In the trailer, they just have Siwon and Donghae speaking Korean while everyone else speaks Mandarin, which is just... odd. I hope they get dubbed into Mandarin in the final cut, otherwise there'll just be two random Koreans running around.

Also, I hope they are just showing Sho a lot in the preview for publicity purposes and NOT b/c he has more screen time in the drama than he should. Seriously, ugh. Don't make Sho more popular of a character than he already is! :/

EDIT: Almost forgot to mention, BO COSTUME LOL. Though I'm surprised he's a yellow chicken and not a white one! ^^


Blegh, it's times like this when I kind of wish New York was more accessible! I really want to see the Book of Mormon, but Chicago's Broadway always gets shows way later than NY. ;__;

I also kind of want to see Spiderman: Turn off the Dark b/c I honestly think I would enjoy it more than the Broadway critics do, haha. But hell, I don't have money anyway, so what am I even talking about. I don't know how long this'll be up, so check it out while you still can:

I'm thinking, in time, the Book of Mormon will reach Avenue Q status. :D

In other news:

  • OMG. I'm all caught up on the Skip Beat! manga chapters I missed while away, and the recent developments have been WONDERFUL. KYOKO!!!! REN!!!! *DIES*
  • I did not learn until recently that Natsume Yuujinchou is getting a third season. The first episode is airing only a couple weeks from now! *o*~~~
  • omg this past month, I have been the laziest person on Earth. ON EARTH. I told my friend that I'm probably still in 'recovery mode' after being in S.Africa, haha.

I showed this to my 7-year old cousin.

Her face was like o_o the whole time and she only managed to say, "Oh... wow," a few times throughout the video.

I laughed. :P


Watched X-Men: First Class yesterday. It was WONDERFUL. I love James McAvoy, gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Also, saw Glee Live last Saturday. Lea Michele and Amber Riley have bangin' loud singing voices IRL. If the two of them sang into my ears at the same time, I fear I would go deaf.

All in all, good weekend. :)

EDIT: I should also mention that I recently gained possession of this:

It is now the shiniest thing I own.

Layout change. :)

Yeah, I'm obsessed. KLAINE. <3333

One thing I keep reading is how encouraging it is that, not only was a gay kiss aired on primetime network television, but the reaction to it has been overwhelmingly positive. Case in point:

As for me, I first watched the scene at my Indian family homestay in S.Africa. The dad was homophobic, so my roomie and I had to keep it on the downlow. BUT if we had had the opportunity, we would've probably ran around our room squealing like baby pigs.

AND AND Darren Criss is a quarter Filipino or something. ONE OF US.


Oh, and it's my birthday. LOL. I'm legal now!

Off to bathe in a tub of Amarula. :P

EDIT: Should mention that I watched pretty much the entirety of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica today. It has a really, really well-crafted story. It's as surprisingly dark as everyone says it is, too. Highly recommend. :)