babelfish will even make up words to translate your text. IT WILL STOP AT NOTHING.

Stole this idea from Pleiades. Took an excerpt from the latest chapter of endgame and translated it into a bunch of different languages via Babelfish, then translated it back to English.

Well, that was unexpected. Not that everything always went as planned when it came to Shizuo. But then again, that was precisely what was so thrilling about him. Shizuo wasn't unpredictable, not by any means. He simply exceeded Izaya's expectations.

It would take a normal human approximately ten minutes to run from Shinra's apartment to his clinic. Shizuo made it there and back in about five. Surely Shizuo knew of some interesting shortcuts that most wouldn't realize or even be physically able to cross. And he probably used his anger upon being kicked out to fuel his mad dash across town. But all the little variables and calculations hardly mattered to Izaya now. It was a magnificent feat. And it proved that Shizuo was getting better. The thought of how much more Shizuo would continue to improve with each passing day made Izaya's blood boil and pulse with excitement.

Izaya would step up to his dare. Shizuo would stay. A good dog should be allowed to pick at the leftovers.

With that, that was unexpected. Everything which is not when coming to Shizuo, always went according to plan. But, as for that was something which is very the thrill perfect score concerning him accurately. Shizuo wasn' With estimate impossible t never it is not. As for him Izaya' It exceeded simply; The expectation of s. Shinra' The empty approximately 10 minutes it is required for the normal human in order to move; The apartment of s to that clinic. With approximately 5 that and it made Shizuo there. Certainly as for Shizuo most wouldn' Certain the interesting shortcut you had known; t actualizes intersection physically and/or and furthermore is possible. Perhaps and he supplies the fuel to that super rush which crosses town after being kicked, used that anger. But variable or the calculation whose everything is small most now were not important in Izaya. That was the magnificent achievement. That and Shizuo had become good, it proved. Izaya' where more many Shizuo were made day; With it continues to improve or, thought of some rank; Boiling and pulse beat of the blood of s of excitation. Izaya improves in that challenge. Shizuo is restricted. The good dog remains and should choose with the thing.

Chinese Simp.
Then, that is unexpected. All always have not gone according to the plan, when it has come to Shizuo. However, that is precisely anything is very exhilaratingly about him. Shizuo wasn' Unpredictable t, is not with any method. He has surpassed Izaya' s expected. Will need a normal person about ten minutes from Shinra' Running; To his clinic s apartment. Shizuo in about five has made its there sum. Definitely Shizuo most wouldn' Knows some interesting shortcuts; t realized that even can definitely cross. And he used his anger to give his spread-eagle town probably to dash about wildly refuels is kicked. But all small invariable and calculation now nearly not critical time to Izaya. It is the magnificent technique. And it proved that Shizuo is good changes. Every day how many idea more Shizuo will continue to improve with Izaya' which does; the s blood boils excitedly with the pulse by. Izaya will enhance to his daring. Shizuo will pause. Should allow a good dog to pick in the remnant thick soup food left over.

Well, was that unexpected. Not all that always as planned concerned then it Shizuo came. But on the other side again, was that exactly what was concerning him this way exciting. Shizuo wasn' t unforeseeable, in no manner. He exceeded simple Izaya' s expectations. It would take normal human approximately ten minutes of Shinra' in functioning to put; s condominium to its clinic. Shizuo made it there and approximately five. Certainly Shizuo of some interesting shortcut knew that it most wouldn' t realises or is even possible physical crosses. And he used probable its anger on is kicked from for its crazy hyphen concerning city with fuel to provide. But all small variables and calculations were important hardly now to Izaya. It was a splendid performance. And it proved that Shizuo became better. The idea of how many more Shizuo with each passing day will make continue improve Izaya' s blood cooks and pulse with agitation. Izaya will dare to of him intensify. Shizuo would remain. A good dog would have be permitted pick at the rests.

So, depending on the language, "mad dash" gets translated as either super rush, spread eagle, or CRAZY HYPHEN. Maybe you can combine all three: the crazy hyphen went spread eagle in a super rush. :P

RANT: Girls are dumb and pretentious. THERE, I SAID IT.

There's a Lady Gaga quote that I've heard women quote very often as of late, both online and off. And frankly, I am tired of it! So when I saw a friend of mine post it as her facebook status:

"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore."

...while praising how truthful and wise the quote is, I was so fed up that I immediately responded, "but your career can't love you in the first place. silly gaga!"

I am so sick of this career-minded, feminist bullshit!! First of all, who says that we can't have our cake and eat it too? Maybe it's because women think of life in this career-or-love dichotomy that we run into these issues! Women don't need to be obsessed with their man, but they don't need to be obsessed with their career either. It's all about balance, people! Maybe the fact that so many women can't simply MOVE ON to a different guy and instead choose to close themselves off completely shows how dependent and devastated women are even post-break up!

TWO: Going off that point, why is it that women find it so difficult to be in a relationship again after having their hearts broken? e.g. I have two friends who broke up last summer. The girl broke up with the guy and she even admits that she is the one who did more hurtful things, but the girl is the one who is bitter and emotionally unstable to this day. Whereas the guy has long moved on and even has a new girlfriend now. (And is more fun to hang out with because he isn't so crazy!) And the girl is all like, I DUMPED HIM AND DON'T CARE AT ALL EVEN THOUGH I BITCH ABOUT HIM ALL THE TIME. People need to learn to drop people, like me! I'm a role model.

THAT IS INFURIATING. WHY ARE GIRLS LIKE THIS?? Why are we so afraid of getting hurt? Why are we so afraid of even admitting that we're hurting? Whether it's family, friendship, or love, all close relationships are difficult. We shouldn't be so afraid of pain; we grow from it, damn it. And yes, I realize that guys can be like this too, but girls are the ones who are most obvious and stupid about it, IMO. =_=;

THREE: I think it's the tone of the quote that bothers me the most. It's so condescending, as if she's saying that marrying your career is logically the better choice to make when it isn't. Not necessarily. There are positive and negative aspects to any life path. Yes, there are consequences to being the type of person who would sacrifice your personal desires for the people you love. But being singularly focused on those desires certainly has consequences too!

I mean, THIS IS WHAT THE SKIP BEAT MANGA IS ALL ABOUT PEOPLE. Kyoko was so heartbroken that she swore she would NEVER LOVE AGAIN. Yet closing herself off from love has many consequences, not just in her personal life, but in terms of her acting career as well! And she denies herself any opportunity to develop a romantic relationship with Tsuruga Ren, even though Tsuruga Ren is PERFECT!! Who wouldn't want to have a relationship with Tsuruga Ren??? EMBITTERED WOMEN, THAT'S WHO. Yet in the end, it's obvious that Kyoko will one day become a great actress AND fall in love again, not in order to get revenge on Fuwa Sho, but for HERSELF. And only then will she have truly gotten over Sho: when she learns to do things for herself while also having the ability to fall in love again.


ho hum.

Have been collecting Durarara!! gifs lately, though I noticed that some of them are weirdly timed/have irregular frame rates for some reason. So I decided to fix them. :P

External Image External Image

RL stuff: Back at school. I had to read a whole novel last night and started at 9PM. *cough* >_>;;

Yeah, I went there.

endgame: prelude

That's right. I'm beginning a multi-part Shizuo/Izaya fanfic.

.............I CAN ALREADY FEEL YOUR DISAPPROVING STARES. Judge me, will you?? Suck it, motherfuckers!!


(I find it kind of sad that it's the longest fanfic-related thing I've ever written. It's probably one of the longest things I've written, period. lol @ my writer ADD.)



Mikado's dramatic cellphone button pressing was pretty hilarious. But look at him gettin' it with his DOLLAZ BRUTHAZ. FUK YEA

AND THEN THE PEOPLE TURNED FROM GRAY TO TECHNICOLOR. THAT WAS AWESOME. It was like, wow the weird coloring actually has a purpose!!

Seiji is a tool. lol

AND HOLY SHIT. fucking CELTY. Just. CELTY. Even Shizuo was all :OOO!!

Next episode preview hinted there will be a lot of this: