I think I'm addicted to these.

Death Note spoilers and all that. :P

yo yo yo HEY MAN

KENKA YOKUNAI NEEEE. I think this describes the show better than words ever could. And I now think that the best way to describe NicoNico MADs to the Unaware is, a cross between regular fan-made MVs and Youtube Poop. :)

I started browsing the Durarara!! kink meme on LJ, which has some of the most hilarious prompts I have ever seen. e.g. Izaya rapes everyone and then wonders why he has no friends. And also:

Prompt: Vending Machine/Shizuo. In that order.

Response: the vending machine fell on top of shizuo. the end.

External Image

Shizuo might be able to throw vending machines at people, but Kida can SHOOT HEARTS OUT OF HIS EYES. FUK YEA

URL Game

See Katana for instructions. :P

A - ACen (still need to register!)
B - Billboard Hot 100
C - Chase bank :P
D - Dollmore
E - EJC, a journal database
F - Facebook
G - Gmail (one of the sites to pop up was gurochan >_>;;)
H - Hulu
I - IMDb
J - Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore (yes, I read the whole damn thing.)
K - KHInsider
L - LBIS (Kenyon's library website :P)
M - MyAnimeList Panel
N - nciku (an excellent Chinese-English online dictionary)
O - Rotten Tomatoes
P - Pokemon Indigo
Q - GameFaqs
R - Rate My Professors
S - Screw The Money, I Have Rules! (don't know why it's this one and not the more famous one, haha)
T - Tokyo Toshokan
U - Unmei Kaihen :P
V - facebook page of a friend w/middle name Vick
W - Watch Movies Online :P
X - Xam'd: Lost Memories MAL page
Y - Yelp
Z - Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou MAL page

Oh shit.

Durarara is fucking awesome.

/end post

EDIT: OH. And the Telephone music video is out. btw :P

The Oscars.

As expected. Well, except I predicted Best Director would go to James Cameron. But The Hurt Locker has been receiving most of the Oscar Buzz for weeks now, so even then it wasn't a total shocker.

And besides. This whole time, the bitter TDK fangirl in me has been saying, "At least Avatar got nominated, you bitches." :DD

A couple amusing texts I sent to DHB while watching the show:

I hope everything related to the blind side fabulously loses.

Lol! robin williams was talking about the governor's ball and said, "one of the many balls being held tonight." and I said, "ew!" so now my family knows I'm a pervert.