Spring Breaaaaak.

The first thing I did upon returning was eat tempura udon. :P

Just wanted to post a couple pictures I took over the past few weeks:

First time I went shopping in almost a year! Bought this top + jacket at Forever 21. Though these were the only two pieces of clothing I really liked. What's up with their winter season selection this year? It's like, 50% fake fur. The hell.

External Image

One of the better pictures taken during Kenyon's version of fling, which happened a couple weekends ago. :)

what what in the butt

Now that I've got your attention:

Bad News First: I turned in my last midterm via email last night--only to find out just now that the email bounced. I forwarded the returned email notice to my prof along with my paper. Hopefully he'll accept it without taking off points for lateness. :(

Good News: Hell, midterms are over! Still have two days of classes, but I'm basically cruising at this point. Since I now have legit free time, I started playing Ace Attorney Investigations last night. :3

Also, just found out that I got accepted to the summer Middlebury Chinese School program. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. ^^;

meme thingy.

Not tagging b/c I'm no fun. Fill out if you want; don't if you don't. :P

-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.

1. Perfect?: what kind of question is that.
2. Tall?: nope (5'2) typical little Asian girl
3. In your pajamas?: nope, not even in my own room right now. :3
4. Left handed?: no

1. Friend you saw: with a friend right now (not DHB -_-;;)
2. Talked to on the phone: same friend as above :P
3. Person to text you: my roommate
4. Was today better than yesterday?: yes. last night was balls in comparison to how I feel now. let's hope I can keep this up?

1. Number: 3
2. Color(s): for clothing black, white, grey, and red
3. Fruit: watermelon, kiwi
4. Place: right now, home. and Japan, even though I've never been there. would the Internet count? >_>;

1. Are you missing someone right now? My mom, a little bit.
2. Are you happy? Hmm. I'm honestly not sure how to answer this. I think the best I can answer is that I'm trying to be happy, though these days, my constantly fluctuating mood is dependent on a lot of external factors. :(
3. Are you sad? Not right now, but sometimes.
4. Are you bored? No, I can keep myself occupied with my thoughts for hours.
6. Are you nervous? At this moment, no. Yesterday, I was anxious as hell, though.
8. Are you tired? Of stressing out over the same things over and over, yes. >_>;

1. Eating? Nothing.
2. Drinking? Nothing.
3. I'm about to: go to the bathroom. >_>;;
4. Listening to? Friend is listening to Lady Gaga live.
5. Plans for today? Maybe go to Asian Club dinner and maybe go to a play. Depends on my mood.

1. Drank bubbles? Swallowing oxygen is bad for your body. Stop asking me stupid questions.
2. Lost glasses/contacts? No, but I broke my last pair.
3. Ran away from home? Nope.
4. Broken someone's heart? Yup.
5. Been arrested? No.

1. Miracles? Hmm... not in a religious sense. I do think that amazing things can happen.
2. Yourself? Essentially, yes.
3. Heaven? No.
4. Santa Claus? I actually never have. My parents never promoted that X-Mas propaganda. :3
5. Do you like someone? Hmm.
6. Do you believe in God? Don't think so. Religion is actually something I don't think about often.
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Durrr.

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Turned my cellphone alarm off.

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Hell yes.

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: The Iron Giant, I think...

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: At my friend's room now, went to the servery before that.

Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: Yes. I don't wear my emotions on my face when I'm upset (unless I'm around people I'm close to), so I generally act pleasant around people, even when I'm pissed off.

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: lol

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Depends. When people talk to me, I'm friendly. But when people I don't know talk to my friends, I'm not above ignoring them completely. ^^;

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In my bed.

Q: When was the last time you cried:
A: I did last Monday, for sure. Maybe Tuesday. I don't remember. >_>;

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: As if I remember. Probably something to do with calming down.

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: Maybe a 6.5 in terms of how I feel right now. In reality, around a 7.5-8.

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Mariah Carey.

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: Not physically.

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: May b/c that's when classes get out & it's my birth month. :3

Q: What did you do last night?
A: Holed up in my room. >_>;

I think

I need a long break from life. Thank goodness spring break is just around the corner; otherwise, I would've probably turned into a full-time recluse. Instead of being partially-reclusive, as I have been since Monday. Being away from people definitely has allowed me to put things into perspective, though. And I've realized a lot of the illogical assumptions I've been making about a lot of things.

I don't know. I guess there have been major advantages and major disadvantages to living a relatively isolated lifestyle as of late.

Advantages: I don't have to deal with things I don't want to deal with
Disadvantages: Except for when I do

Oh well. Hopefully at the end of this phase, I will finally be feeling better.

In much more awesome news, I've been approved by the school to go abroad all next year. Thank God; I definitely need it. :)

An interesting night.

I'm supposed to be working on a paper, but hell, I haven't really posted in a long time. So screw my paper! I'm writing this. :P

I got for-real drunk for the first time last night. It was... interesting. I learned that $10 vodka tastes like pure rubbing alcohol. I also learned that even if my mind isn't completely gone, that doesn't mean my stomach can quite handle it. But overall, I had fun. Even though it got super awkward at parts--like how my roommate was profusely drunken-making out with her boyfriend the whole night and esp. how, at several points, DHB was pretend-making out (but could easily be mistaken for actual-making out) with either me or one of our other friends. Yeah.

But on a less potentially uncomfortable note, my upperclassman friends are so sweet! They were so kind whilst my group was obnoxious and drunk and constantly occupying the bathroom of their apartment. And when my stomach began to feel unpleasant, they gave me an extra large tortilla chip bowl just in case. ^^;

And Kenyon's version of fling is this upcoming weekend, and they promised me they would make some actually good-tasting alcoholic drinks for our pre-fling party.

EDIT: Oh! And I played Kings for the first time, which was pretty fun, though I could never remember what card prompted what action.

Not horrible for my first real time, I think. Esp. since I was sober-seeming enough that my upperclassmen friends commented on how not-so-gone I seemed. (Even though my stomach kept saying something different.) Also, no hangover!

So yeah.

......anyone watch the Olympics? >_>;;