Ho hum.

Just got back from a fun little meeting w/Katana, Kimmeh, and Ryu. The others will have pictures and videos and other things that are more interesting than words, so I'll let them handle the coverage. :3

Since I only got about four hours of sleep yesterday... I think I'll go to bed early tonight. x__x

Adventures in Cooking: Attempt #7

File this one under "vegetarian foods that only vegetarians would be interested in." :3

I marinated two thin blocks of tofu in Korean BBQ sauce for about 8 hours, then layered it with more BBQ sauce and heated it up in the microwave oven. It turned out pretty well, though I think the tofu didn't soak up the marinade as much as I wanted. I heard thawed tofu soaks up marinades especially well, so I'll probably try that next time!

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I also attempted to make homemade honey-flavored ice cream without an ice cream maker, which really was an adventure. At first, I tried to freeze up the ice cream batter by using ice cubes and salt (which is a method I read about online), but it didn't work at all. So I ended up just freezing it while mixing occasionally, which worked out well enough. Though the honey was realllllly overpowering, so I doubt I'll ever make this flavor again. I think I might attempt plain old vanilla tomorrow... though my ultimate goal is to try out a really unusual flavor that definitely isn't available in stores. :)

Non-food related: I started watching Macross Frontier today. (Without having seen any of its prequels, ho ho ho.) The story is all over the place, but it's def. entertaining enough. I'm marathoning it, so I might even be done with the whole thing by tomorrow~

Adventures in Cooking: Attempt #6

This is so simple that it really doesn't even deserve to be put on here. But eh, I figure it wouldn't hurt!

Made a veeeeery simple fishball soup. All the ingredients were precooked, so I literally just had to heat everything up. ^^;

Used udon noodles just because. And the soup was made using vegetarian bouillon and just a hint of soy sauce and black pepper. If I'm not too lazy to go grocery shopping tomorrow, I should have a couple *much* more interesting things to post!

In other news, I started playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days today, which, surprisingly, is kicking my ass. It's been ok lately, but I died so often during the first few real missions that at one point, I literally gaped at my screen.

I didn't care about Roxas all that much in KH2, but I (again, surprisingly) find his story pretty compelling in this game. And if nothing else, I am certainly enjoying the exquisite gay that is Axel/Roxas. Seriously, even DHB is with me on this one and he is def. not a fangirl; the two of them are very intensely gay. More on this as I make my way through the game. :3


After waiting a whole day for the Kenyon Internal server to go back up, I was finally able to look at this:

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw my Modern Democracies grade! I was seriously expecting something lower. Though I was kind of :/ when I saw the break down of my Psych grade. Though I'm def. content with a B in that class, I'm NEVER taking another class with that prof. As good of a teacher as she was, the highest grade I ever got from her was an 88% and that was on my research paper--my final participation grade was an 85% and I participated every class! WHAT DID THAT WOMAN WANT FROM ME??

Adventures in Cooking: Attempt #5

Got lazy yesterday and ended up eating tuna & rice w/furikake sprinkled on top for most of the day. ^^;

Made fried rice for dinner. The sauce is trickier than I expected! I'll definitely need to be less conservative with my use of soy sauce next time, though not so much that it gets too salty. Not posting a recipe until I get it right! :/

Random, but it's been a few weeks since I first started listening to The Fame Monster and I'm surprisingly not sick of it yet. <3