
I'm having trouble choosing between study abroad programs. :(

So for reasons mainly pertaining to the INST major, I'm gunning for China in fall semester and South Africa in spring semester. I've basically decided my top two China programs:
1. CIEE in Nanjing, which is language intensive AND has culture studies courses instead of just one or the other.
2. CET Chinese Studies in Beijing. It's culture-focused, but they offer 300+ level language courses, so I'm set even if I study Chinese at Middlebury this summer. :)

BUT SOUTH AFRICA. I've narrowed it down to two programs, but I can't choose between the two. They're completely different.

One is at Stellenbosch University and it's basically regular university life but in South Africa. I would live in a dorm on campus and take about five classes at the university. I've looked up reviews and have read that the program is tons of fun, and the course selection available to abroad students is fucking awesome. I can take jewelry design!!

The other is SIT's Social and Political Transformation program. It has a big focus on homestays and field work and comparatively little emphasis on in-class learning. There is an average of four homestays per semester, one of which may be in a house with no electricity or indoor plumbing. (Which I don't think I'd mind... maybe.) There's a lot more hands-on experience and the feedback all says that the experience was incredibly enriching and they all learned sooooo much about South African culture.

I don't know. I feel like the SIT program is more "the type of thing I should do" as an INST major, and certainly seems like the more unique experience. But Stellenbosch seems so fun... there's something very exciting and glamorous about being in the middle of the fucking winelands of South Africa, studying in one of the best universities of that country.

Sigh. :(


I GOT AN 87 ON MY 2ND PSYCH EXAM!! And this was the class that was kicking my ass grade-wise. This makes me sooooo much more confident in my ability to get a B in that class. :)

Ok, real post coming soon. ^^;


I guess this is my last ditch attempt to procrastinate before I finally start working on a draft of a paper that's due tonight at 7. 8D

A couple housecleaning things:

  • I've actually been back in Chicago since last Saturday, and all I've done since then is eat a ton of Asian food. On Sunday night, I literally thought, ok I've had enough. I NEVER HAVE ENOUGH!!
  • Last Thursday, I started watching the Korean drama version of Hana Yori Dango. And in the spirit of Korean television, parts of it are far more dramatic than the J-drama could ever have hoped to be. :3
  • As a reminder to anyone who is planning to enter my e-card challenge, make it quick because it's ending within the next couple days. I must say, I'm reallllly impressed with the entries so far. The overall quality is def. above average. :)

...Okay, so it turns out that I don't have time to write the post that I was planning to write, BUT I'll get to it eventually. Maybe after I finish writing this damn essay draft. =_=;;

Off to brunch~!

This is interesting.

May write about my eventful, but soul-draining life in a little while. Maybe when I have less of a workload to deal with. x__x


There's maybe a 40% chance that I currently have swine flu or that I will develop it in the next couple days.

More on this to come. :o