Code Geass R2

My little cousin has been bugging me to finish this series for, like, a month now. And I'm seeing her later today and she'll be pissed if I made no progress after promising her that I would, so I marathoned ep 15-21 just now. ^^;;

Random thoughts:

  • Just finished ep. 21, and I have to say: the hell, Lelouch?? Screw your complex ideals! I would've totally taken up that ideal world offer! Revived Euphemia = SWEET DEAL, DUMBASSES
  • As of now, my opinion is:
    Euphemia >>>> C.C. >>> Shirley >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kallen > what's-her-name (psychobitch will-go-lesbian-for-Euphemia scientist girl)
    I like Euphemia too, but damn. That scientist girl is C-R-A-Z-Y. And not even cool, sexy crazy... more like a really sad kind of crazy. Like a pigeon that's smacked into one too many windows or something. :(
    And Kallen has been so disappointing. I was ok with her when she was just That Soldier Girl, but then they start this romance crap, and now she's pulling all this "I'm Emotionally Dependent!" bull. And worst of all, Lelouch/Kallen doesn't even make any sense. I can't believe anyone would seriously ship the two of them. There's NO reason for the two of them to be in love, esp. when C.C. and Shirley make MUCH MORE SENSE. Hell, you could even cut all the Lelouch/Suzaku bait in half, and they would still be a more logical pairing than Lelouch/Kallen. *kills this pairing, kills it!*

  • This is one of the few instances where I like the canonical het pairing just as much as the non-canonical BL pairing. I'm more an OTP person anyway, so it's rare that I ship more than one pairing in the first place, but for some reason, I like these two pairings pretty equally. I guess I'll just make an exception in this case; Suzaku is my bisexual ho. >D
  • I've been wondering about this for a long while now... why does everyone seem to hate Suzaku? Personal liking of Suzaku aside, I honestly don't get it. I can understand why people hate Sasuke and all the other asshole characters I like because they're... well, assholes, but Suzaku really isn't. And whatever asshole moves he does make tend to be pretty reasonable considering his motives, the events of the plot, his presumptions about Lelouch, etc. It'd be easy to say that people arbitrarily hate on Suzaku just b/c they're Lelouch fans, but I don't know if that's the only reason...?


It might be possible for me to drop by both of these, but in case I have to choose, pick one:

1) Ginza Holiday: Soak up Japanese culture with folk dancing, taiko drumming, martial arts demos, live music from Yoko Noge and anime screenings. (!!) Includes food and beer vendors. ($3-4)

2) Korean Street Festival: The 14th annual culture event features a mix of traditional and contemporary Korean entertainment, food, and more. (Free)

Plz make my decision for me kthx. 8D

Zoku Natsume ep. 13 (final)

....So apparently, I'm pretty image-editing obsessed right now. I'm pretty much done making graphics for MAL, so I moved onto here. And look at that, right after my mini-Oofuri pimp post, I just so happen to create an Oofuri header. What a coincid...

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Random Post of the Day #2

omg you guyz!!1

Big Windup (Ookiku Furikabutte) is one of theO's sponsor links right now! It's a really nice little show (despite what most people think of the lead chara at first), and has a decent dub, too. Everyone go click on it!! ^^;;

Plus, the show has a big NAKAMA theme going on.... so naturally, it is ripping at the seams with BL bait. :3



You can see a raw of the last half of the ep here. And they kept the original lameass, anti-climactic ending of the novels, too! Having the music swell in the background and having Kyon and Haruhi SCREAM AT EACH OTHER LIKE THIS ISN'T GOING TO MAKE THE CONCLUSION ANY MORE EPIC, KYOANI.

EDIT: I think all Haruhi episodes should end with a reflective conversation between Itsuki and Kyon from here on out. :D

EDIT 2: Damn, I was totally supposed to reserve today's post for Zoku Natsume gushing! Haruhi, you've ruined me again!