Zoku Natsume ep.4

This is probably the only monster-of-the-week anime out there that has an episode about underage parenting. xD

But this episode settled it; Natsume really is the most precious person everrrrr. He's a little too trusting sometimes, which the show doesn't hesitate to demonstrate, but his naivete isn't depicted as a wholly bad thing... he isn't stupid, he just has such a big heart that he can't help but care and DO somethng about it, even when he knows his actions will put himself in a bad situation. Gahh, if only the world could facilitate more real-life people like Natsume, we would all be so much better off. :(

.....And of course, the fact that Natsume's "child" is just so damn cute really does not help me love this show any less. ;_______;

And, completely unrelated, but this is almost as awesome:

Oh, Itsuki. I would totally let you be my girlfriend. <3

EDIT: Which reminds me, there's an Itsuki-esque character in Natsume Yuujinchou named Natori. He's not quite as awesome b/c he's too much of an obvious playaa to be as slick as Itsuki is, but hey. I take what I can get. xD


DEAR GOD, THIS TOOK TEN MILLION YEARS TO MAKE WHHHHHHHHHHHHHY. And it wasn't the picture itself, but rather, I first tried to make a signature out of this, but in an incredible show of stupidity, did not realize it is twice the allowed height on the MAL messageboards. (It now graces my MAL profile) So then I made a smaller version, but then made this icon and decided I wanted a sig that matched it better, so then I made the above. AND NOW IT'S 4AM, WHICH MEANS I SPENT OVER FIVE HOURS ON THIS SHIT WHEN I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WATCHING ONE OUTS OR NATSUME YUUJINCHOU!!

Haruhi, this is ALL YOUR FAULT.

Natsume Yuujinchou

Gahhh, I've really grown to like this show~~

After watching the first four or so eps, my general impression was, "It's not terribly exciting nor are any of the stories all that original, but it's well-made and I don't have any serious complaints..." But by the end of the season, my thoughts on the show became something like, OMG THIS IS SUCH A SWEET & HEART-WARMING ANIME AND I WISH NATSUME WERE REAL AND MY BOYFRIEND BECAUSE HE'S JUST THE NICEST, MOST CARING PERSON EVER AND MADARA IS CUTE AND TSUNDERE-ISH AND ALL OF THE CHILDREN ARE SO ENDEARING AND AND *BURSTS INTO TEARS*

Seriously, Natsume is such <3. I like how all of the powerful ayakashi are always like, "Natsume is a weak human who I could crush with my pinky, but he's a really good kid, so I'll help him anyway. <33" The show def. goes at a languid pace, but it really crept up on me. I grew to like it just a little bit more each episode, until before I knew it, I was totally in love with Natsume & Madara's little emotional adventures. I esp. loved that there was an entire episode dedicated to showing just how much Madara has grown to care about Natsume and vice versa. And I also love how, even though Natsume had a crappy childhood, the show doesn't excessively dwell on it or anything... since the show isn't about Natsume overcoming his past, but rather, him learning to love humans and ayakashi equally in spite of it. <33

Def. watching S2 soon! <3

The OP of S2. Watch it in HD! It's sooooooooooooooooo pretty. *o*~

EDIT: Oh, and a lesbian ayakashi appears in S1 ep. 12, and she is SO AWESOME. xD




--Brief Intermission--


It's sooooo true. Totally doesn't surprise me at all; Americans are just a drugs/alcohol/gun-obsessed people. xD

Well, just about every country is alcohol obsessed, but from what I've heard from some foreigners, us American students are just particularly reckless and sad with how we go about it. About four months ago, I had an in-depth talk with a French student studying abroad at my college, and she said that American college students appear to be a lot more alcohol dependent and freakishly stressed out over everything, haha. In her words, "In France, we talk and hang out, then drink. In America, you all seem to drink first and then maybe later there will be some talking." (Which was my observation about many of my schoolmates as well...) And I think that's how a lot of college and high school students approach drugs too...

Not to say that letting loose and legalizing marijuana will solve all of our problems, but clearly European kids are doing something different from most of the kids around here. ^^;;