
were shit. Worst week ever.

First two finals were meh and just a blur of writing writing writing, then I wasn't able to turn in my research paper on time, and then was forced to leave my Chinese final slightly early because I scheduled my flight too early like a dumbass. And since Monday night, I had to deal with all this emotional diarrhea relating to DHB which kept me from concentrating on anything.

Until I got back home, I also hadn't showered or eaten a proper three meals per day since around Monday either. I also pulled two all-nighters (out of three nights) since Monday. And today I said goodbye to everybody at Kenyon, since I won't be seeing any of them again for over three months... What a fucky week. Thank God ACen is tomorrow!


Sudden, but life (specifically, certain aspects of my friendship with DHB) has been so fucked up the past couple months. And I'm worried about how next year will turn out.

(Elaboration when I'm home and finals hell is over.)


Updating from my new free iTouch I received yesterday. HAHAHA. Oh the perks of being a minority at kenyon. All I have right now are some music videos my mentor gave me and the Lady Gaga album. (What most of my friends are currently obsessed with.)

I have so much work to do before finals and I haven't started at all! It's like my work ethic has totally collapsed. :(

Look! It's a bell! :OO

That video preview picture is real flattering.

Crazy ass college life

Haha, I left for brunch at 12:30 this afternoon expecting to be back by 1:30 PM to finish the last five minutes of Cross Game ep 1. Instead I got so sidetracked that I didn't get back to my room until just now a little after 1:30 AM, essentially twelve hours after I was originally planning to return. How does that even happen lol. And I basically spent the day talking to people... other than talking and eating, I just helped someone with their laundry and watched a dance recital. The other eight or so hours was just spent in conversation with various people, haha.

And of course I got no work done! Which means I have to do everything tomorrow, along with going to a gospel choir concert and almost undoubtedly talking to DHB for a couple hours (since he'll have been gone all weekend). Blegh.

As for Cross Game, the ending of that first episode totally spun me for a loop. Like, damn. Otherwise, it seems like a simple, but touching show so far... will definitely continue watching for now. :)