New Anime Shows!

DHB went back home for the weekend for Easter, which basically means that tonight has become mindless pizza-eating, anime watching night.

I am far too lazy to write up a really in-depth show-by-show list, and who knows if I'll really be able to watch these shows weekly esp. once finals gets closer, so I'll keep this short and sweet:

  • Eden of the East - ALSO AMAZING. Although in a completely different way as the plot of this show has more of an adventure/suspense feel to it, though so far it's managed to stay pretty light-hearted despite the ~intrigue~ that is imbued in these types of shows.
  • Shangri-La - Underwhelmed. The first episode just wasn't able to keep my interest... even the fight scenes seemed more sluggish that they should've been. And the transsexual caretaker annoyed me more than she probably should have... I mean, at least the gay guy in Gurren Lagann managed to be flaming without it being ridiculously over-the-top and kind of insulting as a result. Pretty to look at, but even in terms of visuals, Basquash! still wins out... I dunno. I might wait a few episodes and gauge other people's opinions before watching it any further.
  • Will be watching Cross Game soon, so I might update this point later...

So far what separates the excellent shows from the just okay ones is that the better shows are able to set the story up in a way that is exciting and immerses you in the world it presents rather than in a way that screams "this is expository info about the setting! here's an important character! here's another one! here's an evil organization!"

Blah :(

Currently a little upset because my mentor and some other friends are going shopping in Columbus in about half an hour, but I can't go because I have a measly 15-minute interview an hour after they want to leave. I don't blame them because they have a legit reason for wanting to leave early, but I'm still annoyed that things turned out that way. Esp. since I actually don't have that much work to do this weekend, so I'm free today. But DHB seems pretty busy today with interviews and meetings and other things that don't concern me, my mentor and my old roomie and other people who I really like are shopping, and I don't feel like hanging out with NicoNico and Eccentric NYer because I currently find the prospect of hanging out with them as a trio irritating for reasons I haven't fully discerned yet.

Which leaves me with nothing to do! And all because of a 15-minute interview, I now have nothing to do for hours. :(

btw the interview is for becoming a discrimination advisor. When I told my mentor, he was like, "You don't have to fight discrimination! You could just ignore it!"

On a happier note:

I like this song. :)

Ho hum.

Went to my first big college party (well, big by Kenyon's standards, haha) since Halloween. It's Shock Your Mama, since the point is to dress in something that would shock your mother (which typically means something at least mildly slutty, haha). I won't post the pic here because it's embarrassing, but if you want to see what I spontaneously decided to wear, click here. (I'm the one with the scarf.) The pics were taken using flash, MY MORTAL ENEMY, and this was the only pic where I didn't look ridiculously chinky. And you can't see it terribly well, but DHB stuffed his pants LOL.

There has actually been quite a bit of self-inflicted and non-self-inflicted drama in my life as of late, some of which presented itself last night. One of them being that it's pretty much set in stone that DHB will be rooming with a group of friends separate from our main group of friends (generally, DHB, NicoNico, and I, and sometimes Eccentric NYer but he's been a little unhinged lately). And one of them is a girl who he's friends with, but who I'm not. (And honestly, sometimes I feel like this girl ignores me outright... but maybe I subconsciously give off a cold vibe to her since I immediately felt weird around her for various reasons the first time DHB & I hung out with her.) And I feel dumb that it bothers me so much, but I have this deathly, irrational fear of being replaced (esp. if it's DHB who's doing the replacing)... and knowing that the two of us will be so apart next year, living with different people probably in different dorm buildings, really doesn't help.

That, and the fact that my old roommie and I were thinking of doing themed housing, which would mean that the two of us plus some friends (including DHB) would have all lived with each other in a small house on campus. Which would have been a dream, but it fell through, and now DHB DOES have a group-living situation, but it's with another set of people. :(

Ah well. I've resigned myself to not worrying about it at least until this school year ends and to enjoy my current situation, even if it's temporary.

And my workload this week has been insane. For the first time, I honestly think I might not be able to read one of the books due for my history class this week. :(

Thought (a.k.a. another minute of procrastination!)

I'm really amazed by how easily some people are willing to forgive others just because they're celebrities. Case in point, I was watching Superhuman, and the first comment I saw was:

Don't be talkin about Chris Brown. Nobodies perfect. Everybody has their faults so have no right to judge anybody.

Umm, are these people fucking retarded? Chris Brown fucking bit Rihanna. He fucking bit her. I mean, yeah, nobody's perfect, but Christ, we certainly don't all go around beating the shit out of our girlfriends and leaving bite marks on them like a crazed animal. Hell yeah we all have the right to judge someone like that!

...Okay, I should go finish my paper now. Haha.

Concrete Evidence

That Katy Perry is a crack assed singer.


And regarding last post, I've pretty much gotten over it. And even if I hadn't, I have too much work to do to dwell on such things!

EDIT: Does anyone know when Eden of the East premieres?