Update on the Paper Cranes

This prank has reached pretty epic proportions. AND TEXAN GIRL STILL DOESN'T REALIZE THAT I'M THE ONE MAKING THEM LOL.

So first off, this has been going on for about three or four days now. She takes every crane I make, so everyday I leave new cranes of varying sizes and colors in the lounges and in the girls' bathroom on our floor. And each day she gets more and more PO'd since she keeps complaining that she can't figure out how to make them herself and suddenly they're appearing everywhere.

My RA was clueless up until I told him this morning, and even came up with this crack theory that the cleaning lady is the one who leaves them after cleaning the lounges. Six other dormites (including RA) are aware of my crane-making and all of them are horribly amused by it. (Though Male Chicagoan keeps saying I have no life, but w/e.) I left a crane on her doorknob today to up the ante a bit, although my attempts to get her to notice the crane I put on the handrail in the library and on the kitchen table at the house we ate dinner at today all ended in failure.

And I think all of this is justified by the fact that Texan Girl is STILL convinced that I'm incapable of making paper cranes since I'm just that horrible at being Asian. Wait until she finds out that I'm the one who folded all 132898239192831 cranes. HA HA HA.

In a little while, I'll be heading off to the third floor to refurnish the tables with cranes. But this time, I'll be adding a sign that reads, "From the Cleaning Lady." :D


Making this quick, since it's past midnight and I should really get to sleep:

  • The paper was a disaster for various reasons that I don't have the time to go into right now. Basically, I think my A in that class just got lowered to a B. :((
  • The ropes course turned out not to be a high ropes course like I had feared, but rather a giant 40ft swing sort of thing that turned out being a lot of fun. Even though I screamed throughout my first drop down. We also did a bunch of team building things, including one where we stood from a railing one-by-one then fell backwards onto the arms of our peers. I will not lie: I was scared as hell when I volunteered to go and made a weird "eumph!" sound when I fell into the arms of the others. Then I started laughing hysterically for some reason right after I was caught and got hugged both Eccentric New Yorker and my RA. xD
  • Eccentric New Yorker saw the DBSK wallpaper on my laptop, spotted Yunho and said, "Ooo, he's kind of cute. Just look at that face. *oggles*" So basically, if we ever saw Yunho walking down the street, he'd probably jump him faster than I would. o____o;;
  • Oh. And I pulled a neck muscle last Tuesday. The doctor told me it was stress-related and it healed up really quick once I got some proper sleep.
  • We found out our roommates for the school year. My roommate and Male Chicagoan freaking looked her up on Facebook and sent her message saying, "I'm roommates with your roommate!" =_______=;;
  • Male Chicagoan continues to hit on me, but I am totally not falling for his shit. Actually, he just called me up half an hour ago to say goodnight. And his room is just down the hallway. *facepalm*
  • I spent a good part of my evening making paper cranes. Since Cute Hispanic Texan Girl said I wasn't a true Asian if I didn't know how to make them, so I taught myself using diagrams, then made a whole crapload of them and put them on the tables of the lounges on all the floors.
  • Korean Girl is in our room, and she just made my roommate laugh so hard that she fell off her bed. And then I continued to make her laugh so hard that she had to run out of the room so that she could regain her breathing.


10:30 PM Ohio time...

I have my final paper for the Lit half of this program due by two PM tomorrow. And I spent my evening revising my thesis for the third time. I haven't even finished my outline (my third outline, that is), let alone begun drafting.

I am really, really fucking worried. :(

I am a literal tree hugger now.

So the most memorable thing that happened last weekend was totally spontaneous: Male Chicagoan and an upperclassman (his nickname is Panda, and that is how I will refer to him from here on out :D) dropped by to ask my roommate and me if we wanted to hang up orange ribbons around trees all over the campus as a way of protesting the recent cutting down of trees to make way for the new art building. (They make orange circles around the trunks of trees that are marked for cutting.) We all went out to do this at midnight in the cover of dark so that security wouldn't see, so it was all very espionage-ish. And a lot of us got creative and started putting ribbons around statues and benches and fallen branches and even entire buildings.

Though the lame thing is that almost all the ribbons got cut by the time I was heading to class this morning. So Panda has the idea that next time, we should stand on chairs so that we can tie branches that are too high for security to reach. :3

And weirdly, my weekend had a lot of ridiculous shoujo moments. The Female New Yorker of our group told me last weekend that she's been spreading the rumor that Male Chicagoan has a huge crush on me (though I think he just flirts with all girls...), and since (and even before!) then, they've all been teasing me like mad. The worst part was when the cracked out Beverly Hills Korean girl of our group started talking about her inability to seduce people and said, "Asians just aren't seductive!" And I made this Hellz No face (I was thinking of DBSK), though the rest of the girls interpreted it as my thinking that I'm capable of seducing people. Which led to them teasing me over and over about how I "got" Male Chicagoan, so of course I would think that. AND OF COURSE HE JUST HAPPENED TO BE SITTING TWO SEATS AWAY FROM ME AS THEY SAID THIS. AHJSJWHY. They may as well have just put a big KO over my head. ;_______;

And to add to all that the Ridiculously-Southern Texan of our group, who I don't think is even aware of all this, keeps saying that I'm secretly a pimp. And when he hears about this, he'll probably say it even more. I swear that my natural cutseyness just makes it seem as if I'm flirting with everyone. I'm not really a pimp! ;___;




(Though for the record, lots of fun times were had this week despite all the work. Two mini-birthday parties, my Eccentric New Yorker friend latching on to a "new beau" on campus, and many crackheaded conversations. Most of them in some way relating to Beloved. And we're driving out to Cincinatti tomorrow to learn about slavery and eat soul food. :DDD)


EDIT #2: And one of my fellow dorm-ites dropped by to make fun of me for finishing so late. JERK. :'(((