- Created By bellpickle
The Five-Minute Con Report
Making this quick because I have... other things I should be writing at the moment. This year's ACen was a lot less eventful than last year's, mainly because I didn't plan out every hour of every day and just sort of winged the whole thing. So to sum it all up:
On Friday, I wandered around the Dealer's Room for a while and bought a Naruto necklace for my Narutard of a little cousin; went to the Hyatt to look for a panel (where the panelists basically just made fun of various anime... and it was probably the best panel I attended the whole weekend xD); went back to the Dealer's Room because apparently that's where the panel room was located for some reason; went to the Hyatt in search of the GothiLoli fashion show; found out the show was in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT HOTEL that I now had to walk to; wandered around said hotel with a group of gothy people who were just as lost as I was; finally found the show which ended up lasting less than half an hour (last year's show was a lot better ._.); went back to the Hyatt; watched Code Geass for the first time and found out that it's better to go into that anime expecting to hate it and come out not hating it.
On Saturday, I dashed off to the Psych & Anime panel (which was miraculously located at the Hyatt and ended up not being all that great); wandered around the Dealer's Room some more; bought something for a friend who couldn't attend ACen and something else for Laur (you spoiled whore DD: J/K I♥U); went to the Ethics of Death Note panel (full of lulz & people thinking Light is srs business); met up with Katana (who kept making DBSK fangirl impressions of me JERK DD:) & friends (who were a lot nicer :P), Schultzie (who has had way more interesting con experiences than me), and Fasteriskhead (who I swear makes an almost-literal xD face when he laughs & facepalms IRL); forgot that the Masquerade required tickets & arrived at the ticket booth too late to get one; watched AMVs for a while; loitered around the Masquerade area at the start of the show; found a girl who was selling her ticket for ten bucks; was like, "Well shit, this is super messed up and they'll probably let ticketless people in eventually... but money is meant to be wasted SO OK HERE YOU GO"; saw some realllllly great costumes & skits including one skit that used DBSK's Balloons song as background music for a bit :DDDDD; randomly watched Cowboy Bebop until my sister came to pick me up.
On Sunday, I watched Densha Otoko (which is kind of like a cross between Lars and the Real Girl & Ah! My Goddess... interestingly enough); belatedly realized that the dude who plays the hikikomori character is Eita; watched AMVs for two hours (they're a really good time waster o-o); wandered around for a while before going home.
So yeah. Off to the writing of mysterious things. 8D
The Official 2008 "I Can't Believe I'm Not At HB" Spam Post
(Meanwhile, I will be at ACen attempting to distract myself from the fact that the boys are in LA at this very moment. ;__;)
Pimp Post & Haptic Battle
This is the best DBSK fandom/pimp post ever!!! *o*~~ (Not dial-up friendly, however. Ignore the picture of Uchi & Pocky at the top. D:)
I especially like how the girl finally realized the greatness of Dong Bang through my favorite YunJae fanvid. (And it is also probably the sappiest YunJae fanvid ever. BUT THAT IS OK because YunJae is naturally fluffy and ♥♥♥ when they're not being neurotic. :D)
The Haptic Battle CM has been subbed!! :D
I find it so amusing that they decided to use YunJae for the love triangle plot.... which will obviously never work because YunJae radiates too much gay Jaejoong is SO not the love rival type. We all know that IRL Jae would fangirl over billiardplaying!Yunho along with Tiff, and the two of them would be all "HAENG UN LEADER-SSHI WAIWAI o(^^o)(o^^)o" together.
But really...
Who could blame them? *o*~
EDIT: And BTW, Junsu is by far my favorite in these CMs. WHY SO CUTE. *~*
How my AP exams went:
- Japanese
LOL WHAT A FAIL. Though in my defense, pretty much everyone went into it not expecting to do well because the test isn't even geared towards high school students as much as it is for teens who learned the language at home (who seem to be the majority of test-takers).
The speaking section was particularly gruesome, since we were not AT ALL prepared for responding to questions on-the-spot. And even the questions that allowed four minutes time to think & plan was still utter failure since the students were expected to be able to speak for two minutes... and most of us could only think of things to say for the first 1 through 1 1/2 minutes. That and a lot of us ended up laughing out of sheer awkwardness into the microphones. >_>;;
- Psychology
Aced it. Though I better have after all the studying I did. DD:
I'm hoping for a 5, since that means I'll get to skip the introductory courses at Kenyon. 8D
- Language & Comp.
Because this was totally the exam that I was supposed to get a 5 on, easy. But I screwed up one of the essays, since the prompt asked about rhetorical strategies, but my brain mistook that for rhetorical modes. (And even then, I got one of the terms wrong!) SO THERE GOES MY FIVE. :(((
We had Lang class almost directly afterwards, during which we basically had a food party, and through some of it I was just like, "I'M GOING TO GET A THREE!!!!!1" and my friends were like, "omg the lowest score you're going to get is a four shut up plz" :((
Totally unrelated, but I just found out that one of my little, barely-a-teenager cousins from Cali. had a huge growth spurt over the past year, which also kicked up her metabolism and made her super skinny. And she was already pretty, fairly tall, and mature-looking when I last saw her over the summer, so now she probably looks like a twenty-year old model at the age of thirteen. My question is, WHY DIDN'T THAT HAPPEN TO ME WHEN I WAS A PRETEEN. STUPID SHORTNESS! STUPID METABOLISM!! *drives away sorrows with a tub of ice cream* :'((
Components of a good day.
Just wanted to make a few quick notes:
- Now that my AP Psych exam and various other things are over with, I'm more-or-less done with my semi-study exile. Expect more frequent posts on the writing journal again! :DD
- I found out that That One Problem I had a while back was partially resolved today. :D
- I also found out that I have a half day this Friday, which means I get to head off to ACen early. :D
- Checked the calendar and remembered that my birthday is in a week. I feel like I should attempt to care more, but eh. Guess I'll never be much of a "yay it's my birthday!" person. ^^;;
However, Jaejoong is perfectly willing to strip for early birthday greetings.
And $$$:D