Initial D almost makes me want my license... almost.

Just saw Daniel Radcliffe on David Letterman, and man. He is a *lot* more confident in the way he handles himself during interviews (and he's funnier too!) in comparison to when he was promoting the first few HP movies. Though he sort of started to give off the same vibes that Emma Watson does during interviews--which isn't necessarily a good thing. I've always thought Emma was a little too talkative and the way she behaves seems really forced and unnatural to me. Ah well, that's showbiz for you. Though it is a little sad to see him go from being young and normal to someone a lot more "Hollywood-esque."

Not planning to see the new HP any time soon since I still haven't read past the fifth book, so I'm currently debating whether to see Bruno or Public Enemies in theatres. ^^;;

And on the anime front...

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I got one too! And man, compiling that anime list was a pain in the ass! There are so many shows I barely remember coming into contact with: Violinist of Hamelin, freaking Pilot Candidate, even Lain took a while. I'm still in the process of updating it (I JUST now remembered the Street Fighter movies, haha), so the recent updates thing will probably continue to have random shit pop up on it. Not posting it on my profile b/c it takes attention away from the image, so I'll just occasionally include it in posts. ^^;

EDIT: Will write about Honneamise & Akira soon-ish.
