Eurobeat! :D

Initial D has such a fun OST. It's probably the only anime OST I would actually consider buying... I even made an Initial D playlist on my iPod yesterday to use at the gym. :)

The really special thing is, from what I can tell, a lot of the music actually is Eurobeat and not just J-Pop that sounds like Eurobeat. (Though a lot of J-Pop songs are originally composed by Europeans anyway. xD) And thus, the show uses a reallllly wide variety of songs; it's unusual hearing a song repeat even once throughout the series' entire run. I don't know if I'll ever encounter another sports anime that makes me want to jump on my bed and dance every episode. :D

Here are a few of my favorites so far:

I Believe in Lovin' You
The Final Countdown
On My Wings

I wanted to find a video that demonstrates how unexpectedly effective this type of music is at punctuating the mood of the anime, esp. the races, and was forced to delve into MAD territory. (B/c unlike 75% of AMV makers, Japanese fans don't disappoint. :P)

This particular MAD focuses on the Takahashi brothers. ...Because I have SUCH an anime crush on Keisuke right now. He's actually buff, you guys! A bishounen! Who's muscular! In an attractive way, not the gross Coney Island way. AND HE WEARS TIGHT-FITTING SHIRTS. And has a gorgeous car!

As a bonus, you also get to hear the melodious voices of Tomokazu Seki & Koyasu Takehito. :3
