Worst Fansub Ever.

(Just wanna first mention that I went to a show at The Second City last night, and it was quite excellent. I particularly enjoyed the part where the actors interrupted a skit to do a fake marriage proposal in a very real-seeming way. Which devolved into the actors pretend-arguing with each other onstage and being unable to perform the "original" skit.)

Since I'm in my "oh no Initial D is over D:" phase, I'm currently watching the live-action Hong Kong Initial D movie. (The one with Jay Chou. :P) Thought it would be good Mandarin listening practice too, since I suck at it horribly.

I currently have about half an hour left... and though the fansub I'm watching had mediocre subs since the start, the quality of the translation suddenly took a nosedive a little past the halfway point of the movie. It's as if the translator suddenly said, "Screw it, I don't feel like translating the rest of this!" and finished the rest of the movie using the subtitle equivalent of Babelfish or something.

It's literally like: as you can reading words here. There is not an exaggeration; English really this is bad! Particular when complex car jargon saying, understand is too impossible for brain. Picture for example you can yourself seeing.

Bad captiontitles make feel me I wanna to die also. =_=;;
