Vampires vs The Vatican vs Nazis (And BL, too!)

1) About to watch the latest episode of Hellsing Ultimate/OVA. I had almost forgotten just how damn cool I thought this show was back when I first watched the original TV series in, like, 7th or 8th grade. And I had also almost forgotten how cool Integra is! I sort of remembered a similar scene in the original series, but I still got shivers when Alucard deliberately provoked Integra by asking her how she felt about him killing humans, and she responded, "Do not mock me, servant! I gave you a direct order. Nothing has changed! Search and destroy! Search and destroy!" SO. FUCKING. COOL.

Also, seeing Alucard sock a woman in the face, then strangle her, THEN impale her with her own gun was weirdly entertaining. Oh, this show!

For those who have yet to see either Hellsing TV or OVA, I would actually recommend watching the first four episodes of the original series before switching over to the OVA, and then watch from the 2nd episode onwards. The first ep. of the OVA was VERY rushed and it cut out some material in order to rush into the Millennium arc.

2) Ohhh, boy. I have SO many things I could say about Junjou Romantica. I think the bulk of it can be summed up in this:

Romantica <<< Terrorist <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Egoist

Fucking BL fangirls. I've always felt that I'm something of a black sheep amongst BL fans, but I've never felt it as strongly as I did while watching this show on Youtube! I did find this show pretty watchable despite it really not being that great on a technical level, but the other fangirls' opinions and comments regarding the main pairing of the show (Romantica) just astounded me.

Especially whenever someone said that the Romantica pairing was "realistic." Umm yeah, a 19-year old boy who spends most of his time either A) crying or B) denying the existence of a relationship with his living mate WHEN THEY'VE ALREADY GONE ON DATES AND HAD SEX, LIKE, FIFTY TIMES. Romantica is practically tailored to fit what most BL fangirls like in their pairings, so I could understand why so many people like that pairing best. But those girls are deluded if they think that pairing is in any way realistic. Unless they think realistic means "anything that panders to BL fans' interests." =_=;;

Thank GOD for the Egoist pairing. They made the entire show for me despite the very few episodes they're featured in. Unlike the more extraordinary ordeals that get thrown at the Romantica pairing, the problems of the Egoist pair are the types of issues couples (gay or not) might actually face in real-life: miscommunication, personal insecurities, dealing with physical distance and separation. I live for this stuff! *o*~

I seriously think the show would be a whole lot better if it focused more on the (CLEARLY MORE MATURE AND INTERESTING) Egoist pairing instead of the cliched Romantica pair. BUT APPARENTLY, BELL NEVER GETS WHAT SHE WISHES FOR. :(((
