KyoAni Brainwashing & Vampires

Was at Magic Waters yesterday. I spent most of my time at a wave pool that simulates the wave bumps in the ocean. My mom was talking to me at this pool in the afternoon, when it was most crowded, and I accidentally called it "the masses pool." DAMN YOU, ENDLESS EIGHT.

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Might make a 2nd post about Skip Beat! b/c it's just THAT awesome. Started watching Vampire Knight after that, and man. The vampires in that show are such annoying assholes. I mean, they've threatened Zero and Yuuki, like, every damn episode, and yet are all offended whenever Zero treats them as if they're dangerous. UMM HELLO VAMPIRES, YOU'RE THE PREDATORS IN THIS SITUATION. If they don't want Zero to treat them like monsters, THEN MAYBE THEY SHOULD STOP DOING STUPID SHIT LIKE JUMPING OUT OF THE TREE BRANCHES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT and approach them like normal people! And Yuuki is the most retarded one of all for insisting, "The Night Class kids are good!" just because she has a hard-on for Kaname. I mean, they've attacked her and Zero on more than one occasion! HOW STUPID CAN SHE BE.

I swear, Zero is the only intelligent character in this entire series. And he's probably, like, 90% of the reason why I'm still watching this show. It's as if he was molded to fit my tastes exactly; not only is he brooding and angsty, but he's even a total ho and undresses in front of people. How perfect he is for me!

After Vampire Knight, I'll either watch Guilty, finally finish up Code Geass R2, or finally watch past the first couple episodes of Gundam 00. Last night, I rewatched the first ep. of Gundam 00 with two of my male, preteen younger cousins. I had seen the first ep. of that anime at least twice before, but watching it with the boys was WAY more entertaining than watching it by myself. Especially since one of the boys is a fan of the series already, and has a huge anime crush on Sumeragi. xD
