Gundam 00 ep. 16-25

Episode reactions~ :D (EDIT: All of this, and not one spoiler tag! HOW DO I DO IT.)

16: I think the thing I like most about this episode is Setsuna's insane "GAAANDAAMU" raving. Also, lol@not-so-subtle recap. I don't think I like the Trinity girl. She's too perky. IMO, when you try that hard, you're not even cute anymore. And the loud-mouthed Trinity guy is obnoxious, too. >_>;

17: LOL @ Haro nii-san. Trinity girl gets +1 point at the beginning of this ep. Since the very beginning, I've wanted for Setsuna to get sexually harassed in some way. >_>;


19: I find it interesting that Japan doesn't have a big presence in this show. And moreover, that the main character is Middle Eastern instead of East Asian. (Even though they gave him a Japanese codename for some stupid, arbitrary reason.)

Also, that last scene alone probably spawned 10,000 Setsuna/Lockon fans. xDD

20: I really hope that the UN guy and his... angel aren't supposed to be BL bait or something. Because only the realllly desperate would bite. Personally, I wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot pole, the creepy bastards. >_>;

It's nice to see the HRL kicking ass for once; since the very beginning, I've actually felt bad for the enemies of Celestial Being, since the Gundams were so ridiculously overpowered. Nice to see things finally balance out.

21: The story's heavily foreshadowing that Saji will someday blow spectacularly. I can't WAIT! :D

......Okay, so screw Setsuna/Lockon, this episode probably spawned 100,000 Tieria/Lockon fangirls. xDDD

And Marina = less psychotic Relena

22: Noticed a lot of the men use watashi. I wonder if it's a military thing? Regarding the Trinities, at first I kinda pitied them, but then I remembered that they're pure evil. And deus ex machina Exia finally gets to kick some mercenary ass!



What a load of shit. :(

24: I like how the UN is ominous and hardcore in this show. So unlike real life. xD

25: (omg when Hallelujah slicked back his hair~ *o*)

Hmm. I think, in the end, it's a drawback that this show doesn't have One True Enemy, like a Zechs Marquise or a Char Aznable. Not only are the final fights rushed because of the sheer number of notable enemies, but they're a lot less epic too. That's one thing Toward the Terra definitely did right; even though that show also had a shitload of characters, it was very clear who the two main rivals of the series were and the viewers were equally attached to both by the end.

It's also kind of weird to see Setsuna suddenly become so passionate about everything, though I guess enough has gone down that would force him to change drastically... and wtf, Graham Aker. You so crazy. xDD

Ugh, Marina and Setsuna's "relationship" is so forced. If romantic development between the two of them is seriously pursued in S2, I at least hope it will be well-done and not rushed like it is here. I like the two of them separately, but together? At this point, it's almost as unnatural as Heero/Relena. >_<;

And seriously, Earth Federation? You'd think they would've laid that old thing to rest by now. xDD


This show was def. worth watching, even though it took longer than I feel it should have for the plot to finally kick it up a notch. I think I'll probably wait a little while before starting S2. I feel like I need to take a breather after watching something this heavy and watch Major S1 or something. ^^;
