--Brief Intermission--


It's sooooo true. Totally doesn't surprise me at all; Americans are just a drugs/alcohol/gun-obsessed people. xD

Well, just about every country is alcohol obsessed, but from what I've heard from some foreigners, us American students are just particularly reckless and sad with how we go about it. About four months ago, I had an in-depth talk with a French student studying abroad at my college, and she said that American college students appear to be a lot more alcohol dependent and freakishly stressed out over everything, haha. In her words, "In France, we talk and hang out, then drink. In America, you all seem to drink first and then maybe later there will be some talking." (Which was my observation about many of my schoolmates as well...) And I think that's how a lot of college and high school students approach drugs too...

Not to say that letting loose and legalizing marijuana will solve all of our problems, but clearly European kids are doing something different from most of the kids around here. ^^;;
