Natsume Yuujinchou

Gahhh, I've really grown to like this show~~

After watching the first four or so eps, my general impression was, "It's not terribly exciting nor are any of the stories all that original, but it's well-made and I don't have any serious complaints..." But by the end of the season, my thoughts on the show became something like, OMG THIS IS SUCH A SWEET & HEART-WARMING ANIME AND I WISH NATSUME WERE REAL AND MY BOYFRIEND BECAUSE HE'S JUST THE NICEST, MOST CARING PERSON EVER AND MADARA IS CUTE AND TSUNDERE-ISH AND ALL OF THE CHILDREN ARE SO ENDEARING AND AND *BURSTS INTO TEARS*

Seriously, Natsume is such <3. I like how all of the powerful ayakashi are always like, "Natsume is a weak human who I could crush with my pinky, but he's a really good kid, so I'll help him anyway. <33" The show def. goes at a languid pace, but it really crept up on me. I grew to like it just a little bit more each episode, until before I knew it, I was totally in love with Natsume & Madara's little emotional adventures. I esp. loved that there was an entire episode dedicated to showing just how much Madara has grown to care about Natsume and vice versa. And I also love how, even though Natsume had a crappy childhood, the show doesn't excessively dwell on it or anything... since the show isn't about Natsume overcoming his past, but rather, him learning to love humans and ayakashi equally in spite of it. <33

Def. watching S2 soon! <3

The OP of S2. Watch it in HD! It's sooooooooooooooooo pretty. *o*~

EDIT: Oh, and a lesbian ayakashi appears in S1 ep. 12, and she is SO AWESOME. xD
