Too many things I want to post about, haha.

Drinking the leftovers of a kiwi smoothie I ordered at a Viet restaurant today, and oh man, it is soooooo good. Esp. since there are pieces of watermelon and mango floating on the surface, which adds flavor. ^^

  • Watching Spice and Wolf II. I can totally understand what people say about all the economics talk flying over their heads b/c I totally don't understand it either, haha. But I watch this show for Holo/Lawrence anyway, not economics crap.

    That pair is pretty similar to Natsume & Madara from Natsume Yuujinchou (which I will apparently never stop talking about). Natsume/Madara isn't a romantic relationship, but there are still a lot of parallels: both pairs involve a human (who is generally portrayed as the weaker, kinder, and more trusting of the two) and a large animal-like creature that is usually in disguise and acts as a sort-of bodyguard, both "bodyguards" know they will long outlive the human (which causes emotional conflict), both bodyguards are very proud and tsundere-ish, both humans have a penchant for getting themselves into trouble and their partner always needs to save their ass, etc.

  • Played Chaos;Head with a few of my little cousins last night, including my more distant, but still totally awesome 14-year old cousin, who is an Internet geek and understood most of the lingo used in the game even though he isn't too big of an anime fan. He was realllllly impressed by the game and made lots of hilarious commentary throughout. (Esp. since he claimed, "This Takumi guy is 95% me," and could even predict some of his thoughts. That, and his face would be all o_o whenever Seira-tan appeared onscreen, haha.) We ended up playing it (replaying at certain times, for me) for about six hours, sometimes having to hide the screen from our younger cousins and lower the volume whenever we triggered one of Takumi's delusions.

    "Why do you keep looking around the room?"
    "Because WHOSE EYES ARE THOSE EYES, that's why!"
    "Oh God, I'm going to have nightmares."

    Oh, and I def. enjoy Takumi's liberal use of the word "fap."

  • My fucking hair, you guys. This whole summer I've been trying to do something about it. I usually get an expensive hair straightening procedure done every summer, but it only lasts about 6-7 months and it irks me to have to shell out so much money (about $200) for something so temporary. I have an anti-frizz serum, but it has no lasting effect and I think it would get annoying to have to use it everyday when I'm busy at school. (Hot curling irons are even worse) I don't use much shampoo (and only every other day, at that), don't blow-dry my hair except during winter, and condition 3-4 times a week, so I feel like my hair shouldn't be dry or over-conditioned or anything. But no, for some reason, it's still frizzy as fuck. :(