Aug 15th
Haruhi marketing rag Newtype promises a “major” Haruhi announcement come August 17th, which hopeful Haruhi-ists have immediately speculated means a new season (which would almost inevitably include “Disappearance”) or at the very least a movie; more sober calculus suggests to some that this is merely another piece of abusive marketing for some trifle…

Aug 17th
The announcements run along these lines:

1. The seiyuu for Haruhi, Nagato and Mikuru are recording some exclusive interview for distribution only to Newtype’s loyal rubes!

2. Endless Eight will be shown again on Newtype’s site for a whole day at the end of August! Relive the joy!

3. Fans will finally get to test their knowledge of Endless Eight in the “Endless Eight Cult Quiz”! How many questions will you be able to answer?

4. New information on Haruhi goods for you to obediently buy up is forthcoming!

TROLLING MOTHERFUCKS. This show is going to carry into the fall! I just know it! >_<;

My thoughts on ep.10:
