Things Bell Bitches About In Her Head:

  • A little while back, I stumbled upon this very amusing blog post about Vampire Knight, which contains a rather likely theory as to why that series is so popular amongst female anime fans. In short: "Don’t believe everything the media tells you - some teenage girls have sex, but lots are just interested in sex in theory. They want boys, and they want sex, but not actually. That’s exactly what Vampire Knight gives them - boys, and sex, but not actually. Characters get into states of undress without ever showing anything important, there are lingering touches and little licks, and forbidden SEXY BITING with all its emotional and social repercussions stands in for fooling around."

    Not only does this perfectly explain why so many girls like VK, but it also perfectly explains why I dislike VK. Because apparently, I am perverted enough to prefer outright smut. Biting isn't sex, damnit, sex is sex. Why the hell do other girls want metaphors in their porn? I mean, Totally Captivated had neck biting too, but in that series, it was drunken and actually hot. In terms of sexiness:

    Totally Captivated >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vampire Knight

    Actually, make that in terms of everything. Although I DO still like Zero well enough. Kaname, on the other hand, can kiss my ass.

  • I feel like I would enjoy this club a lot more if there weren't a suffocating heir of superiority hanging over it. I mean, I get that seinen/josei series are supposed to be more mature than shounen/shoujo, but I get the distinct impression that these people think seinen/josei = "good" anime and shounen/shoujo = "bad" anime.

    First of all, how in the hell is Ookiku Furikabutte seinen? (Or even josei, if you're going at it from that angle.) It's an anime about high school boys playing baseball, for godssake. It's a good anime, yes, but that's as shounen as it gets! And do they think Haruhi is really josei? I mean, really? Secondly, a mature rating doesn't automatically equal quality anyway. e.g. As generally entertaining as Dogs: Bullets & Carnage is, it's pretty damn shallow. Naruto is about as meaningful a series as Dogs is. Seriously. But Dogs happens to have ultraviolence, attitude, and nudity, and people are like, IT'S SO MUCH BETTER AND MORE MATURE. Spare me, please.

  • Read a nice little BL manga called Doushitemo Furetakunai. The art originally turned me off (I got too used to seeing Mookyul & Ewon's hot asses, haha), but the characters were certainly interesting enough to keep me reading. It's fairly realistic... I'd say the only real gripe I have is that it uses the whole "straight guys go gay for the main chara" thing. I mean, come on, how often does shit like that really happen? Unless guys "convert" a lot more often in Japan.
  • I've been attempting to review Chinese (in preparation for the start of classes) for the past week now, and have been utterly failing at it. I think at this point, I'm about 2-3 days behind from the schedule I originally had planned for myself. SHAME. And starting tomorrow, I'll need to start reviewing Psychology too. ;____;