
Quote of the Week:
"I didn't notice that you had a picture of a chicken (chocobo) and a mouse (moogle) on your wall. They're, like, hidden. I tried to look for other hidden things on your wall, but I couldn't find any. Then I thought of putting hidden things for you to find, like a picture of Morgan Freeman or something. But then I thought you wouldn't like if I did that."
~my roommate

I'm on episode 117 of Major. Only 12 more to go! D:


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(I actually bothered making Mookyul's hair legitimately brown this time. :3)

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Also, I edited the old Ewon-Proud icon. Now he's more visible. :D

I would've made the Code Geass banner thing into an e-card, except it exceeds the dimension limits. xD;;
